Wednesday, November 17, 2010


                                         2010 Accenture Placement Paper

This is Jeyandran got placed in ACCENTURE through an off-campus drive held in

Rajalakshmi EngineeringCollege Chennai on 27&28 March 2010. Around 4500 students sat for written

test, finally 150-160 students got placed in accenture am happy that am one among them.

There r totally four rounds

1. Written test

2. GD

3. Technical Interview

4. HR

About written test it is very easy

i). Verbal -- very very easy

preposition(4), articals(3), comprehension (10)

ii). Quantitative -- som problems frm --> venn diagram (5-6 probs),

-->Data suffiency,(5)

-->date problems(if march 10th is on friday then when will be april21?)

-->n som more problems. i don't remember them...but they are really easy....

no need to ref. any books for preparation (i think so).

iii). Attention to detail -- very easy -->1. a. PLMABNKO b.PLMABOKN c. PLMABNKO. Which one is

different? (4-5 ques)

-->2. * is represented as-; - s rep. as / ; / s rep as +; +s rep. as - . What is the value of 5/3*6-2? (4-5)ques)

-->3. Decision Making.

and after this written test v have to write an Essay.for me the topic s "My intresting subject". Friends

don worry about eassy no marks s there for that but they ll see while u sit for HR round.


in my panel all the 16 students shared their points very well.I have never seen an GD like this before.

Because competition was very tight. finally 11/16 cleared GD luckely am one among them.

Next round was TECHNICAL ROUND

after GD they told as to leave and come for interview on the next day morning 9am. after that v left and

came back on 28 march 2010.

in technical round

ME: good morning sir.

INT: ya good morning please take ur seat.

ME: thank u sir.

INT: let me know about ur self.

ME: that itself i mentioned my paper presenation.

INT: may i know about ur paper??

ME: yes sir sure and i expained. he asked some doubts i cleared it.

INT: saw my consolidated marksheet and asked what do u study in data structure sub??

ME: i told some basic things what i remember.

INT: k...what do u study in electron devices sub??

ME: i told.

INT: wht do u know about DBMS.??

ME: sir am ECE background i havent studied that sub.

INT: let it b what do u know??

ME: i told that it ll used for storing database of any thing eg.for storing students infoin the school and it

ll be used as backend.if dotnet like that used as front end.acctually i donno any thing about DBMS i was

confidently saying just to manage the advice is that even if u donno any thing u say it


INT: ohh k...wait for ur result.

I came out after 5min one person from merit track told that i have cleared tech round. he told me to

take lunch and come back after 2.30 pm.

now am waiting for my HR

some of peoples who attend HR were saying that there s more rejection in HR. one side i was afraid but

one the other side i was very confident.

ME:good afternoon sir.

INT:good afternooon jeyandran.take ur seat.


HR:tell me about ur self. that itself i mentioned my paper presenation.(the same that i did in tech).

HR:what s that paper shall i know??


HR:very much impressed. he asked me to implement that paper. he told that he ll get some funds from

some companies to implement my paper.

ME:sure ill implement one day. my aim s to bring India as super power before 2020. u know C??

ME:ya i know basics in C (told confidently with smile in ma face)...he didnt ask any question from C.

HR:saw my resume can u explain ur final year project??

ME:told...before i complete itself he told me to stop.

HR: y u havent implemented ur paper?? (once again he asked this question to me)

ME: surely ill do sir (he got very much impressed about my paper and the way i explained).

HR:do u have any offers??


HR:would u like to relocate??

ME:yes sir. (with this question itself i was saying myself in my mind that i have cleared hr and got placed


HR:immediatly he told that this my phone number and this my name. u can contact me at any time. vll

implement ur paper. so first u propose an clear idea and call me...he said rite from the morning i havent

seen like this paper and the way u presented it was really superb... u have got selected for Accenture.

wait outside.

I was waiting outside. one person from meri track came to me and asked me to go down and wait there.

After some time one person came with the list and asked the persons who he reads want to go to

seminar hall. we all went there. There they said that I have got selected. I was not able to belive in

myself. I was very happy that I have got placed in accenture.


Meet u in accenture.....
                                                  2010 Cognizant (CTS) Interview Experience

Hi friends, I'm Manilal final yr MCA from College of Engineering, Anna University.. Am here to share a

bit of cognizant selection process.....CTS came to Anna University as a very first company for campus

recruitment...First we had a nice ppt. Then on the same day we faced written test of which 2400

students were participated and 2199 cleared the written test........In written it comprises of

Analytical Section:

Cubes related questions are very important and also very easy this time like painting it with three

different colors...

Venn diagram questions also quite easy...

Data sufficiency which comes through practice..

Verbal Section:

Find out the incorrect sentence

Find out the correct sentence


You need to have a very good vocabulary for the verbal section .

Logical Section:

This was the most easiest of all.

You can definitely score in this section

Find the odd man out

Analogy of figures (Simple)

then questions from deductions or syllogism....

Its all Quite Easy!!!!!!

Written results were announced on that same day and panels were allotted for next day's interview


On the second day of the selection process, It was a little bit nervous and interesting to be a third

member of my panel...Here comes in Interview.....

Me:-) Excuse me Sir. May I Come in........

Interviewer:-) Yes Manilal. Take your seat (with a gentle smile).

Me:-) Thank u sir.

Interviewer:-) May I have a look at your resume Manilal.

Me:-) Please sir.. (Given my resume)

Interviewer:-)Tell me about yourself.

Me:-) Told confidently.

Interviewer:-)Tell me more about your UG project. (He asked me when i was describing about my

project title in tell me about yourself and my UG is in Physics)

Me:-)I explained briefly about my project

Interviewer:-)What are the various applications of RF Transmitter

Me:-)Told somewhat.

Interviewer:-)What is Thermistor?

Me:-)Told as it is a heat sensing device..

Interviewer:-)Applications of Thermistor??

Me:-)Described some applications..

Interviewer:-)Can u Draw one Circuit for a application using Thermistor?

Me:-)Drew it...

Interviewer:-)How do u convert AC to DC? Can u Draw the circuit.

Me:-)I explained the logic and tried to draw.....

Interviewer:-)Do u know diode, resistor and all??

Me:-)yes sir...

Interviewer:-)What have you learned in Solid State Physics??

Me:-)Told about crystals..

Interviewer:-)What's Decision Theory?? How do u make a Decision??

Me:-)Told about PERT and CPM charts......

Interviewer:-)Do u like programming in c++?

Me:-)yes sir...

Interviewer:-)Can u write one program which best describes polymorphism in real world?

Me:-)Started writing it...

Interviewer:-)Expected question. Right?? (with a smile)

Me:-)Obviously sir...(with a big smile)

Interviewer:-)What is Global variable? What is the use of it....


Interviewer:-)Other than this field in which areas do u have interest?

Me:-) Sir... Photography....

Interviewer:-)Do u have interest on current affairs?? Are you going through News Papers Regularly??

Me:-)A little bit sir...

Interviewer:-)What is iPhone?

Me:-)Sir... iPod? ...

Interviewer:-)No.. iPhone???

Me:-)Sorry sir...

Interviewer:-)okay... Why CTS?

Me:-)Told. (Enjoyed a lot while telling this as I guessed I placed in CTS)

Interviewer:-)Where can I find you after 5 years..


Interviewer:-)okay Manilal. Any questions for me?

Me:-)Sir.. I'm having still one year in Anna University. In which areas i should get improved in this

one year to fit into CTS...

Interviewer:-) (Gave me a brief advice on current affairs and how i should get improved in a very

gentle manner).. That's all??

Me:-)Yes sir.... Thank you sir....

Friends... My interview has gone very cool as like I was talking with my friend... My interviewer was

very cool and friendly and helped me to think.... My kind suggestion is whether your answer is right or

wrong you have to deliver it with good confidence.... They will surely help us to communicate with

them...Finally On the third day.. That's on 20th June 2008 CTS declared their results....1103 out of

2199 were selected from Anna University.. 28 of my classmates were selected.. And I am one among

them........ Passion Makes the Life Difference !!!

All the best friends...... I greatly thankful to Freshers world which helped me a lot for interview


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