Sunday, November 21, 2010





Engineering Students are wasting their Time in Management Studies; they have Another Way to go

Points to remember before you participate in this disuccsion:

Assume, you one of the member of a real group discussion.

Take the initiative to participate and contribute your thoughts.

Express your positive attitude towards providing the solution.

Kalai said:

Hello! I want to initiate the topic "Engineering Students are wasting their Time in Management Studies".

In my opinion, now a days technology is growing very fast not only in development but also in services. Banks, Railways, Telecoms, etc. All the industries from small scale to large scale based on the technology. Therefore to manage such type of industries or organization, technical as well as managerial skills should be necessary, One should not be able to manage the organization until unless he or she doesn't have the technical skills in this HI-TECH world.

In India, Engineering Studies gives the strength to an individual to crack the top level MBA entrance Exams. According to one Statics more then 80% Engineering students get admission in IIM's, thus this statics shows that Engineering students are the only right persons who are eligible for Management Studies.

So, Engineering Students are not wasting their time in Management Studies, but they have other ways also.


Vjnreddy said:

Some students have the good ideas to make our country at ranking. but they don't know how to apply the thoughts.

M.B.A teaches the leadership qualities and how to manage one organization/institution.



Radhakrishnan said:

Engineering students should have managing capability in order to steadily cope up with this environment....So M.B.A is the right option to develop their skills,confidence,leadership quality and every thing which leads profit to the corporate industry


Nitin said:

Hello! good morning one and all. I want to initiate the topic "Engineering Students are wasting their Time in Management Studies".

Some students have the good ideas to make our country at ranking. but they don't know how to apply the thoughts. I don't think the engineers are wasting thier time in management studies. In India,most of the Engineering colleges are giving the strength to an individual to crack the top level MBA entrance Exams.

This is not only the way. They had different ways with thoughts. Thanks for giving me this oppurtunity.


Mincy said:

Management studies is the right option for the engineering students if they want to come across world wide. Technology is developing now a we also should develop our thoughts world wide. It's correct way to say tat 'my mba study made me to view everythin technically' an not the right way of telling 'it gets wasted'.


Srividhya said:

According to my opinion Management studies improves the individuals skill,leadership which is in need to overcome the demands found in corporate world. So i think Engineer's are not wasting time in management studies.


Ramanjaneyulu said:

The engineering students doesn't waste your time to study the engineering because some members are complete engineering course they don't get gobs. India IT(Information Technology) organization very back. So my opinion student study other way CA and MEDICINE these are course to get good jobs after studying. Every students have most important communication skills.


Braj said:

Of course, day by day no. of students from engineering college in MBA is increasing in India but what happen with them outside the country ?


Nani said:

As resources and standards of education are lacking, technical students are not getting their correct postion and many other reasons like lab facilities ,quality of faculty also responsible for skilled engineers in india.


Dev said:

According to my opinion Management studies improves the individuals skill, leadership which is in need to overcome the demands found in corporate world.And after doing both the studies the level of the person increases so he/she has better opportunity of good job having good salary.

So i think Engineer's are not wasting time in management studies.


Neeraj said:

As a professional engineer you are required to manage your team or else at least interact with people who are managing you. management skills definitely would help and thus it is indeed a good use of time to do a management course.


Ram Prasad said:

I agree to my friends views, with that I would like to add something new that we need to understand that the sea changes. The transformation from regulation to liberalization, from protection to globalization, from planned economy to market-oriented economy all demand a new approach to deal with all types of problems. So to cope and equip our self we need to have managerial skills by doing management courses only.


Arjan Singh Grover said:

For our growing infrastructure. Technology, Industry, Engineering and management are both important. For the development of the country. Its not important to make a building but also important to manage them for efficient and effective working of the building. For this we require both engineering and management.


Stanley said:

Good morning to one and all present here. I'm not going to lecture about this topic I just want to convey my thoughts about this topic in front of you. If engineering studies may waste their time means no more engineering college and courses would not be developed. Each and every students can have a knowledge about what they will do and what they are doing.

Engineering studies provide the knowledge as well as leadership among different categories. So my opinion is engineering studies may not waste their time it may utilise their own time. Thank you.


Jyothsna said:

Hello good evening everyone according to me engineering students are not wasting their time for management studies, that is because till graduate level they are only with the technical aspects and later they are willing to know about the marketing, sales, dealing people in the society. So I do not support that they are wasting their time.


Nischala said:

Although there are many other ways for the engineering graduates to go most of them opt for management. Up to me I feel that there is no need for an engineering graduate to go for MBA when they have 1 or 2 management subjects during their graduation.


Keerthi said:

Good morning to one and all. I am here to express my opinion about the topic.

Most of the engineering graduates have proper knowledge about there future and what they want to do in future. But having technical knowledge is not enough they should be skilled in management too. Management studies not only improves the leadership qualities but also it helps the employee to overtake the problem during crisis by properly managing the company orteam. I accept with one of my friend's opinion that having two three subjects on management it can make an engineering graduate to have some basic knowledge about management.

So I don't think engineering students are wasting time in management studies.


Krishna said:

Studying MBA after B.TECH is not a bad idea at all. But the thing which effects the decision what we made was the choice of branch in MBA. So if you choose a right choice then you will become the leader in both technical and management business.


Krithika said:

Engineering students in fact chosen their career as engineers, should go well in their path. Doing MBA lies apart. But since our country need its mind power to be displayed, engineers should do lot in their core to get more advanced technological advancement. Hence my opinion is that as engineers they should contribute to their area.


Sunita Singh said:

Managent study is an option for engineering students if they think that they can enhance their career in management field in that case it can be a good option and going for a management study might be easier then masters degree of technology.


Ankit said:

For the purpose for building career purpose doing MBA not but if we think ad a bad idea but as a resource for development of the country it is better to do M. Tech or research work is good for tech students, because our country really need.


Svg said:

The person who gets in into MNC as software trainee doesn't want to stay just there!he wants to grow and reach the top level of that venture. !For this he must have managerial skills. !but I don't say that you need always a degree in management for that. You gonna learn it over the time through experience and observation of the trends in corporate world!.

So the bottom line is the if there well and good if not then also not bad!.


P.Khilar said:

What I think is that, Engineering and Management are like brothers. Without the technology knowledge we cannot manage an organisation. So they are co-related. D reverse without d knowledge of management we cant improve our position in this world.


Biswajit Sahoo said:

In my views, engineering study is required to tackle the top level of the management studies. Also engineering students having more knowledge to manage any type of company. It is also enhance our skills, personality, wisdom, thinking power to put our brain in any type of corporate world. In this modern era, we engineering students urged to persuading management studies. Also we will get more power and money after doing management studies. We will be also more secure after management studies.


Kritika said:

Hello everyone, what I think is doing a mba after b-tech is really a big +point as it enhances not only our technical skills but on the other side managerial skills also.


Uday Bhan Singh said:

Good evening every body. I think this is right, engineers is wasting their time in management, now technology is growing fast day by day, world needs high skilled engineers, it doesn't mean man can growth after MBA. Growth is depend upon their knowledge not their degree. Degree has values for those who don't have capability to reach higher post in organization and one more thing management skills not come by taking MBA degree, it is depend upon the persons. For example most of our political leader does not have any management degree but they are running our country. So management degree does not need for engineering students.


Su01 said:

Hi friends, According to me I feel there is nothing wrong in an engineering student obtaining a MBA degree. MBA will actually polish their skill set. Along with their technical skills they get to learn management, leadership, organisation etc. So with both technical and managerial abilities they can even start up their own firms. It doesn't mean that only with a MBA degree you can start your business but if engineering students are interested in getting an MBA degree there is no harm.


Brahma said:

Good evening one and all. Yes my thinking also same. Now a days every engineering student must have the management skill then only they get good future. My opinion is learning skill is not the waste of time.


Srikant said:

Engineering students are not waisting their time they know their better choice for future. In any organisation or company technical knowledge not enough to handle all the situation. They need well leadership, good managing ability to solve this challenge.


Soumik said:

Technology is advancing rapidly and engineers/technologists are the pioneer of this rapid technological advancement, besides this it is true that to work in a organization some basic/fundamental managerial skills are required. Now the topic is "engineers are wasting time doing MBA"it sounds that engineers are doing MBA that does'n work for their career, but it is not true because if we look at the statistics then we can see that most of the students who are getting admitted in IIM's or B-Schools are from engineering background, and they are able to complete MBA, and are highly successful-so it depicts that "they are not wasting time doing MBA". The main stream discipline is engineers is engineering/technology. So I think they should concentrate on technology, and it's good to have few subjects on fundamentals/basics on management in syllabus of engineering. So that they can put their technical skill in a organization efficiently and effectively, and our society will be benefited from technological advancement more.


Sneha said:

Engineers know what to do but how to do and when to do it can be done only by a managers, so only degree will not help us in the long run, thats why b, tech s are doing MBA, definitely that is a wastage of time.


Sakshi Singhal said:

Engineering course develops Analytical and logical skills in an individual and when these skills are combined with managerial skill-It becomes an Unbeatable combination.

Statistics also prove this fact as most of the students who cracks CAT and other exams are engineers.

For any foundation your base should be strong, and engineering provides us with this as in engineering we learn technology and in MBA we learn how to implement these technology in various aspects of organization.

Also today is the world of globalization that involves not only transfer of technology, products and goods but also services that involves human interaction, so MBA that teach us all this with Engineering becomes a best suited Combination.


Shilpa Deol said:

In my opinion, opting for an management studies is ones personal interest, it does not mean that one who does engineering and opted for management will have good knowledge of handling an organization, I have seen many of them who is not from a managerial background but still running a big organization.

Now a days not only in engineering we find technical knowledge but we also get it from other casual degrees also.

Being an engineering student, I disagree that when I go for management studies only then ill get leadership qualities.


       Examinations - has it killed education

Points to remember before you participate in this disuccsion:

Assume, you one of the member of a real group discussion.

Take the initiative to participate and contribute your thoughts.

Express your positive attitude towards providing the solution.

Raginee said:

No, I don't think that exams has killed education, because exams are important in our education life...without exams we can not judge ourself correctly.


Veena Nigam said:

Examinations are a means of testing our application of the knowledge we have gained so far.But paying our complete attention thinking of the exams only and gaining marks doesn't serve our purpose.Our eye should be focussed on learning something new all the time and innovating new things which do good or contribute to the progress of mankind.If we do agree with this , we can easily sail through the exams without much preparation and they can surely help our academic progress.



Sivakumar said:

I refused this statement. Examinations are must but i prefer group discussion and debate type examinations only. Written type examinations are waste because somebody score through cheating and mukkap.


B. Saba said:

Most of the students just mug up and score good marks.

Even if they don't understand the concepts they somehow manage to fool the examiner. Such students don't deserve good grades as they study just to clear the exam without KT and not to learn anything. Theory exams are a waste of time. On the other hand vivas are of great help to judge a student.


Disha said:

Examination has killed education, i strongly agree with this because many just study for the sake of exams, they actually wont know the concept they just mug things without knowing what it is, previous day of the examination people open there books and start mugging up, mugging without understanding is of no use at all, one can hardly remember things when they mug up.


Ramakrishnan said:

Examination has not killed education fully..because by exams only one will able to know about his ability and what he has learned...


Harpreet Singh Bhatia said:

Examination are required in every phase of life.every day is a exam day.Exam does n't means to get numbers.exams mean to learn something new and ur result of perfection in it.So Examination has nt killed education


Disha said:

But now a days people are not learning anything, they are just mugging up thing without understanding in order to score.


Swopna said:

Yeah i agree with all my friends views. Examinations are a must but it does not decide one's ability.


Divya said:

Hai friends. well this is very good topic. In my opinion exams are not killed education. Through Exams only we can judge ourself by we are strong in particular concept. so that we can easily identify in which area our knowledge lacking.

It is a good way to improve ourself in level by level. but without understanding the concepts and just mugging up all the matters and getting 80 or 90 percentage is not at all useful...


Mekala said:

From my point of view not like examinations killed education. But sometimes we fee like that. Because mostly studies going based on the exams point of view. They are mugging up to pass the subject. So from this i want to suggest the education will be like to deliver the information with the practical example in schools and it will be helpful to improve their individual talent.


Satyam said:

In my opinion examination patterns has killed education as they are not really accessing the performance of students. Exam pattern have to be changed and it should be made objective type covering entire syllabus and the grading should be done based on attendance, behaviour in class and performance in exam.


P.Sinduja said:

Examination means in the name only it indicate examine the person. With out examinations we can't know our talent . When we are attempting the exams we can come an understand that how much knowledge we get by studying this. So I preferred exam is the only thing which give a oppurtunity to know our talent.


Manoj said:

According to me exam should be there because from this he/she comes to know how much knowledge he/she is gain about the subject . If we don't go for exam then it give more relax to the students and they may not go deeply into the subject and that have bad impact on the students in future.


Munish Sahdev said:

Hi friends, in my opinion examination has killed education because it is very easy to get good marks in written exams without knowing basic meaning of concept. So, I prefer that there shoule be practical exams to check the ability of student.


Shital said:

Hi Friends, I think, exam has killed education because student open their books at the time of exam only and prepare only those questions which are important. So this will not help them to increase there knowledge.


Shera said:

Yeah I too agree with Munish, examination has never killed the education but the way and type it has been conducted in our country is not fair.

The ratio of marks of practical and theoretical papers should be changed. Because it is better to increase knowledge and interest in subject than to just clear or to be toper.

I have seen many people in our college who have obtain good marks but, base knowledge is zero.


Aakansha said:

In my opinion, education is both useful and on other part of no use as students don't study until there is no pressure on them so at least due to exams they gain something but on other side in this period they just mug up and don't learn anything that would be beneficial in future.


Jyoti Gupta said:

Exams has it killed the education is not completely right because competition is going everywhere so they cheat n mugging up for getting good marks. We are not gaining knowledge through this. But here some positive points if we give exams honestly we can judge ourselves and how much we have learned.


Vvkp said:

Examinations are considered a base for assessing a students progress. But tell me one thing, how many students write the examinations sincerely? though examinations are considered important in our educational system, the way of teaching differs. Examinations are believed to be the criteria to say what a student is but the way of teaching or the way of writing an examination is not correct as we follow it.


Abc said:

But its up to you my friend whether you are giving the examinations for only to get good marks or to check your intelligence. Because of exams we study & get the marks. Now you have to decide whether you want good marks or Knowledge or good marks along with knowledge. And its human tendency that if there is a compilation then only we tries to win.


Pradeep Kumar said:

I think you all are correct, examination is just because to know what we have learnt, if it is for grading and marking that means education does not meant the way it should be. If we pass a class does not mean we are educated, in real an educated person is that who has knowledge of the syllabus.


Gowtham said:

Yeah. This is good and very precious topics in now a days most of the students are not like to write an exam and then makeup-ed so its not useful to us. But we write an exam we can develop the knowledge our self. So we need to the exam.



  Positive Attitude and not Knowledge is required for Business Success

Points to remember before you participate in this disuccsion:

Assume, you one of the member of a real group discussion.

Take the initiative to participate and contribute your thoughts.

Express your positive attitude towards providing the solution.

Amol said:

Positive attitude, without knowledge sometimes called over confidence.

So, first knowledge is required for any kind of business. If you have knowledge of any particular thing, you will automatically get positive attitude.


Anandhi said:

Positive attitude and little knowledge is important for business , the person should have atleast knowledge about their business that is how they can earn in that business?, and how to manage the loss? . for this positive attitude alone is not enough.



Thilak said:

Attitude is important to business. Because business can maintain through our mentality. Knowledge is also important but attitude causing to increase the business profitability and control the loss.


Ram Charan said:

To succeed in business we must have patience,dare and definitely we have positive attitude. Positive attitude means think always in positive way. Let us take an example in business. We have partners in our business they will say that if it would be like this then what we will do. They are always thinking what wrong should going on. They do not think in a positive manner.

If we have a positive attitude then we will make them in a positive way we proceed our busyness in a successive manner. Knowledge is also needed in our business life. But without positive attitude we can not use our knowledge in a proper manner.


Madhusudan Sahoo said:

To be success in a business positive attitude play a vital role, which helps in growth and hurdles minimization of any business.

But knowledge is the key factor in business. Knowledge doesn't refer to the bookies lines that are taught in colleges, rather it consists all the relevant information that a person should possess before starting the business.

Let's consider a mobile company. Before starting the business he should have basic knowledge of the parts of his product, competitive, area of demand etc...

So implementation of knowledge with a positive attitude in business leads a success in business.


Swapnil said:

Positive attitude plays very important role not only in business but in real life too..

But if u don't have knowledge then u cant manage your success...And at least you have knowledge about the business in which you are working/..


Mekala said:

Positive attitude is important in business field. But a person must have knowledge about business. I thought this both will be necessary to succeed a business.


Kapil Rathore said:

I am totally satisfied with the topic "Positive Attitude & Not knowledge is required for Business success", in my opinion the primary key to initiate any work is the positive attitude or we can say self-confidence. Any buddy wont be able to initiate the business until unless he or she doesn't have self confidence, and the knowledge is the one thing which comes after experience. Once you started or initiate the business with positive attitude gradually you got the knowledge, "without any initiation no buddy got the knowledge"


Ash said:

Positive attitude and knowledge are two side of a coin. If any person having the knowledge of business automatically his thinking goes on positively towards his aim. So, positive attitude and no knowledge is like over confidence. I think positive attitude and knowledge should equally balanced for success in business.


Snigdha said:

First a person doing business should have at least some knowledge about the business world. Because without knowledge positive attitude can do nothing. It is true that positive attitude comes from knowledge. Both knowledge and positive attitude are necessary for business. But knowledge should given more priority. Then positive attitude.


Shiv` said:

In my point of view I think that positive attitude comes when we have knowledge about the business. Positive attitude with no knowledge is something like overconfidence which. It's very harmful for the business.


Kiranya said:

I think that knowledge means knowing about the things which it can be acquired by anyone of us if we have interest and time then we can gain knowledge if you have enough knowledge about a particular thing then attitude will be always positive.


Chaitanya said:

I don't know English well but I want to participate in this discussion. Positive attitude is always gives encourage to the any person. And knowledge will give the best place and how to get the best position in our society. So those two qualities are also more important in our life and also in business. Thanks for giving this opportunity to me.


Mahadev said:

"POSITIVE ATTITUDE and KNOWLEDGE are like the two pans of weight balance machine in which the company's and personal growth of employee are equally distributed. And is hanged very closer to the water over the water tank. ".

In this case if any one pan (i. E. POSITIVE ATTITUDE or KNOWLEDGE) becomes light (insufficient) , it will leads in the mixing of overall organisational growth in water. I. E. Will lead in loss of company as well as that employee.


Sireesha said:

Positive attitude is more important to run a business along with the knowledge. Without knowledge we cant getting in the business. Only having the knowledge without the positive attitude also we cant get through. As we have a lot of knowledge and not having the positive attitude we cant run confidently.


Rupesh Patil said:

Hi I am Rupesh, everybody having lots of knowledge, but they have not positive approach, so they will not success in your life.

I think that knowledge means knowing about the things which it can be acquired by anyone of us if we have interest and time then we can gain knowledge if you have enough knowledge about a particular thing then attitude will be always positive.


Amuthan said:

According to the recent researches 85 % of the people get successful only because of their attitude and the way they look up and take up things and only 15% of the people get success because of the data and the knowledge they possess.

A person having good attitude is very open, is always focussed, has a sense of gratitude, has high self confidence and esteem, he creates a positive environment in the working area. He is always willing to learn. So he also gains knowledge which he lacks, because of his positive attitude.

So ultimately such a person becomes an asset for the company. His attitude has therefore not only profited him but also the company to a greater extent.


Nancy said:

No doubt person must have positive attitude toward its business aim but at same time he must also have knowledge so that he could apply his effort toward achieving his aim.

If he has knowledge about business then only he could able to decide that is he doing well or not that helps him to bring positive attitude too. It means positive and knowledge goes in hand to hand.


Sneha said:

Knowledge is the basic need of our life. Without knowledge we are nothing but a bare waste. In todays world knowledge speaks over everything. Any company before hiring tries to know the knowledge he has which ultimately counts for the goodwill and success of his company. It is this knowledge that leads a man to gain self confidence. It is then he get energize to take a fruitful and right decision which ultimately speaks for his positive attitude. For then he comes to know about the right step he is taking. And as a result gains a lot of positive energy I. E positive attitude. So in my opinion one should always gain knowledge in order to gain positive attitude.


Sudershan said:

I think that we need both these things as positive attitude and knowledge can not be useful individually. If a person has lot of knowledge on the other hand he always keeps thinking whether this work can be done or not then he can not attain a good business.


Vipul Gupta said:

I think positive attitiude is more importent than knowledge. Without positive attitude and self confidence you can't achieve anything. Knowledge is important but the most important thing is how to use this knowledge and what you do with that knowledge. If you don't have confidence or positive attitude you can never realise your true potential. You most of the times thought that whatever you do you will get failure.



          Indian Army as a Career Option

Points to remember before you participate in this disuccsion:

Assume, you one of the member of a real group discussion.

Take the initiative to participate and contribute your thoughts.

Express your positive attitude towards providing the solution.

Roni said:

Yes I think this is a great term for me, "INDIAN ARMY" as me too was wishing to be a part of this vast term, but due to some reasons I didn't succeed. People who get the opportunity to be a part of the INDIAN ARMY I think are the luckiest of the people all around. Doing your duty you feel proud of yourself as you are providing a security to your motherland. Apart from that people too respect you. Being a part of INDIAN ARMY is not that much easy but when you get this opportunity you are a part of a great force.


Praful said:

Yes this is the one of the most opportunity to serve for our nation. But the modern generation could not select the job. People will attractive on the private company salary with in a chamber. But some ones like to join they could not able to join the Indian Army because of the unfitness of the personality. So the personality will reduce for the interested and impressive peoples.



P.Prabhu said:

Yes, of course above friends are told something, its correct because this is big chance to provide security to our mother country. I am trying to get chance to work but I didnt get chance to work but I really thanks to our army.


Manish Kumar said:

Yes, Indian army shoud choose as a carrer opportunities because as you know that "OUR INDIAN ARMY IS A SYMBOL OF DICIPLINE".Thats way people who want to leave thier life with dicipline can choose indian army as career. But as you all know there is shortage of officers in indian army due to lack of awarness about the Indian army.


Ambrish said:

Yes i think the Indian Army is grate place for work for nation... through this we save the a lot of people life and you learn DISCIPLINE which is not possible in any other occupation the think of people is like that it to much treble ... .in that occupation but i dont think so it is best carry for developed your self......


Venkatesan said:

Personality is not a valid reason to choose a carrier in Indian Army. Carrier means not only as soldiers, also include other jobs like army Doctors, Engineers. Engineers are needed to pass message on networking environment. Doctors are needed to take care of our soldiers. So physical fitness is no a burden to join in Army.


Sandeep said:

The word Indian army itself provokes a great enthusiasm in every Indian. Indian army is not only restricted to the army division of defence. The Indian army is an integration of Indian navy, Indian air force, Indian police force, ground defence soldiers, which we could collectively term as the army of India. Every individual today have different perception towards joining the Indian army. Some really have the dedications for there motherland, some for financial reasons.


Karishmasadhana said:

Its certainly a carrier option. Alongside where we can serve for our country. Its always great sense to be part of our Indian army. Now a days insurgence is on its increasing note. Some people may suppose join this due to their poverty. Are some may due to extreme patriotism. In any way its a pride to b a part Indian security forces starting from army, navy and other additional security sectors. We use to hear about our cadets at the border were been killed in battle around the border areas. So every one in the security sectors risk their life to protect us. So without army the other troops its not possible to have appease here. There is a huge demand for cadets. Its the only which never hit by the recession. Jokes apart, it's my desire to be part of it.


Stalin said:

Yes of course. It is something special when we do something for our country. It is something what is more valuable than money.


Shradha said:

Joining an Indian army should definitely be a proud moment for every one. And the should have to proud himself that he is in army. I think that people from most of north Indian specially from Punjab or Haryana peoples take huge participation in army rather than the other parts of the India. And those who wants they just got rejected due to there physic. I Punjab peoples deserves also to be there because they have real patriotism and there parents also allow them to go and fight for country instead of worrying about his/her son. But the people from rest of country they hesitate in sending his/her son in doing that.


Biman Das said:

According to my point of view INDIAN ARMY is one of the greatest suitable place to serve for our nation. I think when you are a part of Indian army then you are a complete man. It will be more glad to us when we do something for our country. You can learn responsibility, discipline from Indian army. You also feel proud by providing security to your motherland.


     India should go for the presidential form of democracy

Points to remember before you participate in this disuccsion:

Assume, you one of the member of a real group discussion.

Take the initiative to participate and contribute your thoughts.

Express your positive attitude towards providing the solution.

Priya said:

There is political instability in the present system where as the presidential form of governance gives rise to stability.

A presidential system, is a system of government where the executive branch exists and presides (headed by the president), separate from the legislature, to which it is not accountable, and which cannot in normal circumstances dismiss it. Whereas in a parliamentary form of govt., the executive is a part of the legislature (parliament) and a bill becomes a law only after the approval of the parliament.Even though presidential govt. may be more stable, but, in case of India, it might not be that feasible, since India is a diverse nation where different views co exist, and it is justified, that every section gets a say in the 'making laws' process



 Who says MNCs are superior to Indian companies?

Points to remember before you participate in this disuccsion:

Assume, you one of the member of a real group discussion.

Take the initiative to participate and contribute your thoughts.

Express your positive attitude towards providing the solution.

Ashu said:

Hi i think MNC are not devils in disguise. As India is developing country it helps us to grow in wealth. And also unemployment have been reduced because of MNC. Eventhough some may feel work load in MNC's are more but the salary is high. So i conclude that MNC's are not devils in disguise.


Poonam said:

MNC gives the pleassure to youngseters to work, to learn the professional enviornment and to earn money while studying. Due to these companies the unemployement problem has come down and the ratio of unemployement is really low.

Moreover we get to work during the neight time so it makes you strong and change the mind set of the society. It gives the knowledge or picture of corporate world and provides you so many facilities. In fact you get the change to interact with people from all over the world.



Neha said:

Hi, I think MNC plays an important role in providing jobs to those unemployed people who work hard, highly educated. MNC provides a better working environment and smart salary. It makes people smart so why can't it be superior.

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