Friday, December 31, 2010


                                                   Synonyms- E


Usage:Some people encumber themselves with too much luggage
when they take short trips.

2)Endearment:Fond word or act

Usage:Your gifts and endearments can't make me forget your
earlier insolence.

3)Endure:Provide with some Quality , endow.

Usage ; He was endued with a lions courage.

4)Enduring:asting , surviving.

Usage:Keats believed in the enduring power of great art,
which would out last its creators brief lives.

5)Eminent:Lofty , Conspicious , celebrated,remarkable .

UsageV:VThis award will be given away by an eminent

6) Enervate:Weaken

Usage:She was slow to recover from her illness;even
a sheet walk to the window enervated her

7)Engross:Occupy fully

Usage:John was so engrossed in the studies thst he
didn't he hear his mother call

8)Engima:Puzzle , Mystery

Usage:Their behaviour was an engima to him


Usage:The monotous routine of hospital life induced
a feeling of ennui that amde her moodyard irritable.


Usage:He didn't realize the enormity of his crime
untill he saw what suffering he had caused.

11)Enrapture:Please intensely

Usage:The audience was enraptured by the freshness
of the voices the excellent orchestration.

12)Ensconce:Settle comfortably

Usage:Now that children were ensconced safely in
the private school.

13)Ensue: Follow

Usage:he evils that ensured were direct result of
the miscalculations of the leaders.

14)Entail:Require , necessitate ;involve

Usage: Building a college level vocabulary will
entail some work on your part.

15)Entreat:Plead , ask earnestly.

Usage: She entreated her father to let her stay
out till midnight.

16)Eon:Long peroid of time , on age

Usage:It has taken Eons for our civilization to

17)Enthrall:Capture ,enslave

Usage: From the moment he saw her picture, he was
enthralled by her beauty.


Usage:Witty thought or saying usually short.poor
richards epigrams made Benjamin frankline famous.

19)Epilogue:Short speech at conclusion of dramatic

Usage:The audience was so disappointed in the
play that many did not remain to heaer the epilogue.

20)Erode:Eat away

Usage:The limestoen was eroded by the dripping
water until only a thin shell remained.

21)Erotic :Pertaining to passionate love.

Usage:The erotic passages in this novel should
be removed as they are merely pornographic.

22)Erroneous :Mistaken ,wrong

Usage:I thought my answer was correct , but it
was erroneous.


Usage:Hoping to present himself to his girlfriend
as a totally reformed character ,he tried to eshew
all this vices ,especially chewing tobacco
and drinking bathtub gin.

24)Escapade:Prank , Flighty conduct.

Usage:The headmaster could not regard this latest
escapade as a byish joke and expelled the young man.


Usage:She was always ready to espouse a worthy cause.

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