Friday, December 31, 2010


                                             Synonyms- A

Synonyms- A

1.Abase = lower , degrade , humiliate

usage:Anna expected to have to curtsy to the king of Siam,
whentold to cast herself down on the ground before him
however,she refused toabase herself

2.Abate = subside ,moderate

Usage : Rather than leaving immediately ,they waited for the
storm to abate

3.Aberrant = abnormal ,deviant

Usage : Given the aberrant nature of the day,we came to
doubt the validity of the entire experiment

4.Abeyance = suspended action , not in continuation

Usage : The deal was held in abeyance until her arrival

5.Abet = Assist, usually doing something in wrong

Usage : She wall unwilling to abet him in the swindle he
had planned

6.Abbreviate = shorten

Usage : because we were running out of time , the lecture
had to abbreviate her speech

7.Abolish = cancel, put an end to

Usage : The president of the college refused to abolish to
physical education requirement

8.Ablution = Washing

Usage : His daily ablutions were accompanied by loud noises
pretence,deception, (or)fraudulent intent
infidel-one who does not have the right
faith(or)religion, especially to the marriage vows
that he humorously labeled opera in the both.

9.Abominate = loathe ,hate

Usage : Moses scold the idol worshipers in the tribe because
of abominated the custom

10. Adjure = renounce upon oath, he adjured his allegiance
to the king

11. Abnegation = renunciation ,self sacrifice

Usage : Rani and Son loved one another but their love was
doomed she had to wed the king their act of abnegation was
necessary to preserve the kingdom

12.Abscission = cutting off, separation

Usage : when a flower or leaf separates naturally from the
parent ,this process is called abscission

13.Abridge = condence ,shorten

Usage : Because the publishers felt the public wanted
a shorter versionof war and peace ,they proceeded to abridge
the novel

14.Abscond = depart secretly, and hide

Usage : The teller who absconded with the bonds went
uncaptured until some one recognized him

15.Absolute = complete, certain

Usage : The king of Siam was an absolute monarch

16.Absolve = pardon

Usage : The father confessor absolved him of his sons

17.Abstinence = restraint from eating or drinking

Usage : The doctor recommended total abstinence from
salted foods

18.Abusive = coarsely insulting

Usage : An abusive parent damages a child both mentally
and physically

19.Abut = border upon

Usage : where our estates abut , we must build a fence

20.Abortive = unsuccessful, fruitless

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