Friday, December 31, 2010


                                                   Synonyms- E


Usage:Some people encumber themselves with too much luggage
when they take short trips.

2)Endearment:Fond word or act

Usage:Your gifts and endearments can't make me forget your
earlier insolence.

3)Endure:Provide with some Quality , endow.

Usage ; He was endued with a lions courage.

4)Enduring:asting , surviving.

Usage:Keats believed in the enduring power of great art,
which would out last its creators brief lives.

5)Eminent:Lofty , Conspicious , celebrated,remarkable .

UsageV:VThis award will be given away by an eminent

6) Enervate:Weaken

Usage:She was slow to recover from her illness;even
a sheet walk to the window enervated her

7)Engross:Occupy fully

Usage:John was so engrossed in the studies thst he
didn't he hear his mother call

8)Engima:Puzzle , Mystery

Usage:Their behaviour was an engima to him


Usage:The monotous routine of hospital life induced
a feeling of ennui that amde her moodyard irritable.


Usage:He didn't realize the enormity of his crime
untill he saw what suffering he had caused.

11)Enrapture:Please intensely

Usage:The audience was enraptured by the freshness
of the voices the excellent orchestration.

12)Ensconce:Settle comfortably

Usage:Now that children were ensconced safely in
the private school.

13)Ensue: Follow

Usage:he evils that ensured were direct result of
the miscalculations of the leaders.

14)Entail:Require , necessitate ;involve

Usage: Building a college level vocabulary will
entail some work on your part.

15)Entreat:Plead , ask earnestly.

Usage: She entreated her father to let her stay
out till midnight.

16)Eon:Long peroid of time , on age

Usage:It has taken Eons for our civilization to

17)Enthrall:Capture ,enslave

Usage: From the moment he saw her picture, he was
enthralled by her beauty.


Usage:Witty thought or saying usually short.poor
richards epigrams made Benjamin frankline famous.

19)Epilogue:Short speech at conclusion of dramatic

Usage:The audience was so disappointed in the
play that many did not remain to heaer the epilogue.

20)Erode:Eat away

Usage:The limestoen was eroded by the dripping
water until only a thin shell remained.

21)Erotic :Pertaining to passionate love.

Usage:The erotic passages in this novel should
be removed as they are merely pornographic.

22)Erroneous :Mistaken ,wrong

Usage:I thought my answer was correct , but it
was erroneous.


Usage:Hoping to present himself to his girlfriend
as a totally reformed character ,he tried to eshew
all this vices ,especially chewing tobacco
and drinking bathtub gin.

24)Escapade:Prank , Flighty conduct.

Usage:The headmaster could not regard this latest
escapade as a byish joke and expelled the young man.


Usage:She was always ready to espouse a worthy cause.


                                              Synonyms- D

1)Dabble : Work at in a non serious fashion ,splash around

Usage:The amateur painter dabbled at art , but seldom produced
a finished pece.

2)Dally :Tritle with.

Usage:Lourtes told Ophelia that Hamlet would only dally with
her affections.

3)Dank :Damp

Usage:The walls of the dungen were dank and slimy

4)Dappled : Neat and trim

Usage:The odd couple Nimmy played Felix , an excessively
dapper soul who could not stand to have a hair out the wall.

5)Daub :Smear

Usage: From the way he daubed his paint on the canvas, I
could tell he knew nothing of oils.

6)Daunt :frighten

Usage:'Boast all you like your prowess mere word cannot
daunt me,' the hero answered the villian

7)Debris :rubble

Usage:a full year after the earthquake in Mexico city,
workers were still carting a way the debris.

8)Dawdle :loiter, waste time

Usage:we have to meet a dead line dont dwadle.Just get
down to work


Usage:The dearth of skilled labour compelled the
employers to open trade schools.

10)Decant:pour of gently

Usage:Be sure to decant this wine before serving it.


Usage:They didd not hand Lady Jane ;they decapitated
her."off with her head", cried the Duches, eager to
decapitate poor alice


Usage:I could not decipher the doctor's hand writing.

13)Declivity :Downward slope

Usage:The children loved to skid down the declivity.

14)Deface:Mar, Disfigure.

Usage: If you deface a library book you have to pay
a hefty fine.

15)Decoy : Lure or bait

Usage:the wild ducks were not fooled by the decoy

16)Defile:Pollute, profane

Usage:the hand looms defiled the church with their
scurrilous writings.

17)Descry :catch site of

Usage:In the distance, we could darely descry the enemy

18)Derogatory: expressing a low opinion

Usage:I resent your derpgatory remarks.

19)Dirge :layment with music

Usage:the funeral dirge stirred us to tears.


Usage:The King's diadem was on display at the museum


                                        Synonyms- C

1)Cacophonous Discardant,Inharmonious

Usage:Some of th students in the orchestra enjoy the
cacophonous sounds .

2)Capricious Unpredctable,steadfast

UsageThe storm was capricious changed couse constantly

3)Castigation Punishment,severe criticism,commendation

Usage:Woolf could not bear the castigation that she faced in
certain reviews.

4) Catalyst :Agent that brings about chemical change while it
remains uneffected and unchanged

Usage:Many chemical reactions can't take place without the
presenc of a catalyst

5) Cache: Hiding place

Usage : The dective followed the suspect until he led them to
the cache where he had store his loot.

6)Callow : Immature,inexperenced,Youthful

Usage : In both the cases the judge shows how callow he was.

7) Chast :Pure,modest.outspoken

Usage:The crusader had her fitted out with a chastebelt.

8)Coagulate :Thicken , clot

Usage:Even after u remove the pudding from the bushes , it
willcontinue to coagulate as it stands.

9)Coda :Concluding section of a musical composition

Usage:The piece concluded with distinctive coda that
strickingly brought together various motifs.

10)Connoisseur :Person competent to act as judge of art,A
loverof an art.

Usage:She had developed into a connoisseur of fine chdna.


                                              Synonyms- B


Shakespeare is a great poet(Bard).

2.Boretaced:Shameless,bold Shocked by Huck finn's boretaced lies,Miss Watson prayed the
good lord would give him a sense of his regenerate dickedness.

3.Bask:luxuriate,take pleasure in warmth.
Basking on the beach,she relaxed so completely that shell fell

4.Bate:let down,restrain.
Until it was to open the presents,the children had to bate their

5.Beatific:giving bliss,blissful.
The beatificsmile on the child's face made us very happy.

6.Beeline:Direct,Quick route.
As soon as the movie was over,jim made a beeline for the exit.

7.Behoove:Be suited to.
In this time of crisis,it behooves all of us to remain calm
and await the instruction of our superiors.

8.Belie:Contradict,give a false impression.
His coarse,hard bitten exterior belied his innate sensitivity.
He wished to bestow great honors upon the hero.

The Con man specialized in bilking insurance companies.

10.Bland:Soothing or mild,agreeable.
Jill tried a bland ointment for her sun burn.

Although age had blanched his hair,he was still energetic.

12. Bicker:Quarrel.
The children bickered morning,noon and night ,exasperating
their parents.

13.Blurt:utter impulsively.
Before she could stop him,he blurted out the news.

The recent rains that filled our empty reservoirs
were a boon to the whole community.

15.Brawn:Muscular strenght,sturdiness.
It takes brawnto become a champion weight-lifter.

The dean would brook no interference with his disciplinnary

17.Brittle:easily broken,difficult.
My employer's brittle personality made it difficult for me
to get along with her.

18.Broach:Introduce,open up.
He did not even try to broach the

Her brazen contempt for authority angered the aooicials.

20.Brandish:Wave around,Hourish.
Doctor watson wildly brandished his gun until Holmes told him
to put the thing away before he shot himself.

21.Brunt:Main impact or shock.
Tom sawyer claimed credit for painting the fence,but the brunt
of the work fell on others.

22.Brackish:Somewhat salinc.
He found the only wells in the area were brackish.

23.Bizarre:Fantastic,violently contrating.
The plot of the novel was too bizarre to be believed.

24.Bivouac:Temporary encampment.
While in bivouac,we spent the night in our sleeping bags under
the stars.

The school bully baited the smaller children.

26.Babble:Chatter idly.
The little girl babbled about her doll.

27.Balk:Stop short,as it faced with an obstacle and refuse
to continue.
The cheif of police balked at sending his officers into the
riot torn area.

28.Banal:hackneyed,commonplace,trite,lacking originality.
He even resorted to the banality of having someone slip on a
banana peel!

29.Beneficent:Kindly,doing good.
The overgenerous philanthropist had to curb his beneficent
impulses before he gave away all his money and left himself
with nothing.


                                             Synonyms- A

Synonyms- A

1.Abase = lower , degrade , humiliate

usage:Anna expected to have to curtsy to the king of Siam,
whentold to cast herself down on the ground before him
however,she refused toabase herself

2.Abate = subside ,moderate

Usage : Rather than leaving immediately ,they waited for the
storm to abate

3.Aberrant = abnormal ,deviant

Usage : Given the aberrant nature of the day,we came to
doubt the validity of the entire experiment

4.Abeyance = suspended action , not in continuation

Usage : The deal was held in abeyance until her arrival

5.Abet = Assist, usually doing something in wrong

Usage : She wall unwilling to abet him in the swindle he
had planned

6.Abbreviate = shorten

Usage : because we were running out of time , the lecture
had to abbreviate her speech

7.Abolish = cancel, put an end to

Usage : The president of the college refused to abolish to
physical education requirement

8.Ablution = Washing

Usage : His daily ablutions were accompanied by loud noises
pretence,deception, (or)fraudulent intent
infidel-one who does not have the right
faith(or)religion, especially to the marriage vows
that he humorously labeled opera in the both.

9.Abominate = loathe ,hate

Usage : Moses scold the idol worshipers in the tribe because
of abominated the custom

10. Adjure = renounce upon oath, he adjured his allegiance
to the king

11. Abnegation = renunciation ,self sacrifice

Usage : Rani and Son loved one another but their love was
doomed she had to wed the king their act of abnegation was
necessary to preserve the kingdom

12.Abscission = cutting off, separation

Usage : when a flower or leaf separates naturally from the
parent ,this process is called abscission

13.Abridge = condence ,shorten

Usage : Because the publishers felt the public wanted
a shorter versionof war and peace ,they proceeded to abridge
the novel

14.Abscond = depart secretly, and hide

Usage : The teller who absconded with the bonds went
uncaptured until some one recognized him

15.Absolute = complete, certain

Usage : The king of Siam was an absolute monarch

16.Absolve = pardon

Usage : The father confessor absolved him of his sons

17.Abstinence = restraint from eating or drinking

Usage : The doctor recommended total abstinence from
salted foods

18.Abusive = coarsely insulting

Usage : An abusive parent damages a child both mentally
and physically

19.Abut = border upon

Usage : where our estates abut , we must build a fence

20.Abortive = unsuccessful, fruitless


                                            Excercise D

Directions: In each of the following questions,there is a certain relationship
between two given words on one side of : : and one word is given on another side of
: :while another word is to be found from the given alternatives,having the same
relation with this word as the words of the given pair bear. Choose the correct

1. Doctor : Patient : : Lawyer : ?

(A)Customer (B)Accused (C)Magistrate (D)Client

Ans : (D)

Explanation : First works for the second .

2. Museum : Curator : : Prison : ?

(A)Manager (B)Mountain (C)Jailor (D)Warden

Ans : (C)

Explanation : First is managed by the second .

3. Soap : Wash : : Broom : ?

(A)Clean (B)Dust (C)Sweep (D)Floor

Ans : (C)

Explanation : Second denotes the function of the first .

4. Wax : Grease : : Milk : ?

(A)Drink (B)Ghee (C)Curd (D)Protein

Ans : (C)

Explanation : First is used to prepare the second .

5. Bread : Bakery : : Brick : ?

(A)Mint (B)Kiln (C)Furnace (D)Mine

Ans : (B)

Explanation : Second is the place where first id manufactured .

6. Sword : Slaughter : : Scalpel : ?

(A)Murder (B)Stab (C)Surgery (D)Chopping

Ans : (C)

Explanation : Second denotes the purpose for which the first is used .

7. Life : Autobiography : : Witness : ?

(A)Paper (B)Truth (C)Documents (D)Acceptance

Ans : (C)

Explanation : Second contains an amount of the first .

8. Chef : Restaurant : : Druggist : ?

(A)Medicine (B)Pharmacy (C)Store (D)Chemist

Ans : (B)

Explanation : Second is the working place of the first .

9. Dancer : Stage : : Minister : ?

(A)Pulpit (B)Assembly (C)Parliament (D)State

Ans : (A)

Explanation : Second is the place for the first to perform on .

10. Ecology : environment : : Histology : ?

(A)Fossils (B)History (C)Tissues (D)Hormones

Ans : (C)

Explanation : Ecology deals with the study of environment .Similarly Histology
deals with the study of tissues .

11. Life : Death : : Hope : ?

(A)Sad (B)Despair (C)Pain (D)Cry

Ans : (B)

Explanation : The words in each pair are antonyms of each other .

12. Hooke : Cells : : Mulder : ?

(A)Carbohydrates (B)Minerals (C)Vitamins (D)Proteins

Ans : (D)

Explanation : Hooke discovered the cells .Similarly Mulder discovered the

13. Needle : Thread : : Pen : ?

(A)Ink (B)Cap (C)Paper (D)Word

Ans : (A)

Explanation : Second is required for the working of the first .

14. Auger : Carpenter : : Awl : ?

(A)Sculptor (B)Cobbler (C)Chef (D)Mason

Explanation : First is a the tool used by the second .

15. Birds : Aviary : : Bees : ?

(A)Aquarium (B)Hive (C)Brewery (D)Apiary

Ans : (d)

Explanation : Second denotes the place where first kept and reared .

16. Resign : Politician : : Abdicate : ?

(A)Prince (B)King (C)Realm (D)throne

Ans : (B)

Explanation : First denotes the act of leaving the post of the second willingly .

17. Scissors : Cloth : : Scythe : ?

(A)Wood (B)Steel (C)Grass (D)Paper

Ans : (C)

Explanation : First is used to cut the second .

18. Garden : Trowel : : Seamstress : ?

(A)Saw (B)Scissors (C)Sneakers (D)Crowbar

Ans : (B)

Explanation : Second is the tool used by the first .

19. Prose : Writing : : lisp : ?

(A)Reading (B)Music (C)Speach (D)Drawing

Ans : (C)

Explanation : First is the type of the second .

20. Cub : Tiger : : Fawn : ?

(A)Stag (B)Monkey (C)Ass (D)Sheep

Ans : (A)

Explanation :Firsts is the young one of the second .

21. Radical : Moderate : : Revolution : ?

(A)Change (B)Choas (C)Peace (D)Reformation

Ans : (C)

Explanation : The words in each pair are antonyms of each other .

22. Mathematics : Numbers : : History : ?

(A)People (B)Events (C)Dates (D)Wars

Ans : (B)

Explanation : Mathematics is the theory of numbers and history is the theory of
past events .

23. Bag : Luggage : : Ship : ?

(A)Coal (B)Stock (C)Cargo (D)Weight

Ans : (C)

Explanation : Second is the load carried by the first .

24. Anthropology : Man : : Anthology : ?

(A)Nature (B)Trees (C)Apes (D)Poems

Ans : (D)

Explanation : Anthropology deals with the study of man .Similarly Anthology
deals with the collection of poems.

25. Chatter : Teeth : : ? : Leaves

(A)Whistle (B)Ripple (C)Rustle (D)Cackle

Ans : (C)

Explanation : First is the noise produced by the second .

26. Loin : Prowl : :Bear : ?

(A)Frisk (B)Lumber (C)Stride (D)Bound

Ans : (B)

Explanation : Second is the manner of walking of the first .

27. Mirror : Reflection : : Water : ?

(A)Conduction (B)Dispersion (C)Immersion (D)Refractions

Ans : (D)

Explanation : light rays falling on a mirror undergo reflection and those falling on
water undergo refraction .

28. Firm : Flabby : : Piquant : ?

(A)Bland (B)Salty (C)Pleasant (D)Small

Ans : (A)

Explanation : The words in each pair are antonyms of each other .

29. Wood : Ghacoad : :Coal : ?

(A)Fire (B)Smoke (C)Coke (D)Ash

Ans : (C)

Explanation : Second is obtained from the first .

30. Drama : Scene : : Book : ?

(A)Story (B)Page (C)Chapter (D)Author

Ans : (C)

Explanation : Second is a unit of first .

31. Betel : Chew : : Football : ?

(A)Play (B)Run (C)Roll (D)Kick

Ans : (D)

Explanation : First is the object and second is the action performed on it .

32. Motorcycle : Battery : : Life : ?

(A)Earth (B)Sun (C)Moon (D)Star

Ans : (B)

Explanation : Second is the ultimate source for the first .

33. Cyclone : Anticyclone : : Flood : ?

(A)Devastation (B)Havoc (C)River (D)Drought

Ans : (D)

Explanation : Both create opposite conditions .

34. Happiness : Sarrow : : Comfort : ?

(A)Hardship (B)Rest (C)Poverty (D)Difficult

Ans : (A)

Explanation : The words in each pair are antonyms of each other .

35. Appreciation : Reward : : Disgrace : ?

(A)Crime (B)Guilt (C)Allegation (D)Punishment

Ans : (D)

Explanation : Second brings the first .

36. Retirement : Service : : Dismissal : ?

(A)Agreement (B)Communication (C)Employment (D)Adoption

Ans : (C)

Explanation : First terminates the second .

37. Naphthalene : Woolen : : Antibiotic : ?

(A)Germs (B)Immunity (C)Diseases (D)Body

Ans : (D)

Explanation : First is used to protect the second from attack by germs and insects .

38. Drummer : Orchestra : : Minister : ?

(A)Voter (B)Constituency (C)Cabinet (D)Department

Ans : (C)

Explanation : First is the member of the second .

39. Sugar : Molasses : : Gasoline : ?

(A)Mine (B)Quarry (C)Drill (D)Petroleum

Ans : (D)

Explanation : First is obtained from the second .

40. Starvation : Nutrition : : Exhaustation : ?

(A)Energy (B)Bravery (C)Freshness (D)Courage

Ans : (A)

Explanation : The first denotes the lack of second .

41. Ballworn : Cotton : :Ghundibug : ?

(A)Wheat (B)Rice (C)Millet (D)Tomato

Ans : (B)

Explanation : First is a pest that damages the second .

42. Accident : Carefulness : : Disease : ?

(A)Sanitation (B)Treatment (C)Medicine (D)Doctor

Ans : (A)

Explanation :Lack of second results in first .

43. Annotate : Text : : Caption : ?

(A)Novel (B)Law (C)Film (D)Photograph

Ans : (D)

Explanation : First is a comment on the second .

44. Physiology : Biology : : Metaphysics : ?

(A)Physics (B)Statistics (C)Mathematics (D)Philosophy

Ans : (D)

Explanation : Physiology is branch of biology .Similarly mathematics is a branch
of philosophy .

45. Highbrow : Cultivated : : Suave : ?

(A)Elegant (B)Urbane (C)Stylish (D)Broad-minded

Ans : (B)

Explanation : The words in each pair are synonyms .

46. Author : Book : : Choreographer : ?

(A)Drama (B)Ballet (C)Masque (D)Opera

Ans : (B)

Explanation : First composes the second .

47. thick : Thin : : Idle : ?

(A)Virtuous (B)Business (C)Industrious (D)Activity

Ans : (C)

Explanation : The words in each pair are antonyms of each other .

48. Gents : Cap : : Ladies : ?

(A)Scarf (B)Hat (C)Handkerchief (D)Hair band

Ans : (A)

Explanation : Second is worn by the first on the head .

49. Lumberjack : Axe : : Chef : ?

(A)Bow (B)Poker (C)Chisel (D)Colander

Ans : (D)

Explanation : Second is the tool used by the first .

50. Bread : Wheat : : Brick : ?

(A)Clay (B)Fire (C)Cement (D)Building

Ans : (A)

Explanation : Second is used to make the first

51. Scrupulous : Principles : : Ethical : ?

(A)Morals (B)Virtues (C)Religions (D)Profits

Ans : (A)

Explanation : When one abides by the second ,he is said to be the first by the
nature .

52. Wince : Pain : : Prostration : ?

(A)Discomfiture (B)Frustration (C)Submissiveness (D)Strained

Ans : (C)

Explanation : First is the sigh of the second .

53.Consistent : : Irate : ?

(A)Unreasonable (B)Unhappy (C)Irritated (D)Angry

Ans : (D)

Explanation : The words in each pair are synonyms .

54. Book : Magazine : : Newspaper : ?

(A)Journal (B)News (C)Article (D)Headline

Ans : (A)

Explanation : Second contains smaller articles of the same nature as the first .

55. Tungsten : Filament : : Bronze : ?

(A)Copper (B)Ships (C)Tin (D)Ornaments

Ans : (D)

Explanation : First is used to make the second .

56. Claymore : Sword : : Beretta : ?

(A)Club (B)Axe (C)Knife (D)Gun

Ans : (D)

Explanation : The first is the type of the second .

57. Indolence : Work : : Taciturn : ?

(A)Observe (B)Speak (C)Cheat (D)Act

Ans : (B)

Explanation : The words in each pair are antonyms of each other .

58. Afaoetoxin : Food poison : : Histamine : ?

(A)Allergy (B)Headache (C)Anthrax (D)Contamination

Ans : (A)

Explanation : First causes the second .

59. Bald : Blond : : Barren : ?

(A)Vegetation (B)Farm (C)Fertile (D)Inhabited

Ans : (C)

Explanation : The words in each pair are antonyms of each other .

60. Catalogue : Library Books : :Index : ?

(A)Chapter (B)Books (C)Preface (D)Contents

Ans : (D)

Explanation : Catalogue is an arranged list to find the names of the library
books.Similarly Index is an arranged list of contents.

61. Tobaco : Nerves : : Alcohol : ?

(A)Liver (B)Liquor (C)Intoxication (D)Head

Ans : (A)

Explanation : Consumption of first adversely affects the second .

62. Man : Shout : : Crow : ?

(A)Cow (B)Chirp (C)Multer (D)Mob

Ans : (D)

Explanation :Second is the noisy sound produced by the first

Thursday, December 23, 2010


                                                                   EXERCISE C

Directions: There is a certain relation between two given words on one side of : :
and one word is given on another side of : : while another word is to be found from
the given alternatives, having the same relation with this word as the given pair has.
Select the best alternative.

1. Painting : Artist : : Symphony : ?

(a)Novelist (b) Poet (c)Essayist (d)Composer


Exp: First is prepared by the second.

2. Pongee : Silk : : Shallot : ?

(a)Boat (b)Building (c)Ship (d)Stream

Ans: (a)

Exp: Pongee is a type of silk and shallot is a kind of boat.

3. Dawn : Dusk : : Inaugaration : ?

(a)Invitation (b)Valediction (c)Repetition (d)Organisation

Ans: (b)

Exp: One is followed by other.

4. Tectonics : Building : : Taxidermy : ?

(a)Classification (b)Conserving (c)Stuffing (d)Collecting

Ans: (c)

Exp: Tectonics is the science dealing with the art of building.
Similarly, taxidermy is the art of stuffing animals.

5. Legend : Story : : Merlin : ?

(a)Hawk (b)Eagle (c)crow (d)Parakeet

Ans: (a)

Exp: First is a type of second.

6. Annihilation : Fire : : Cataclysm : ?

(a)Earthquake (b)Flood (c)Emergency (d)Steam

Ans: (b)

Exp: First is the result of second.

7. Lemur : Monkey : : Rook : ?

(a)Cat (b)Crow (c)Vulture (d)Owl

Ans: (b)

Exp: Lemur belongs to the family of monkey and
rook belongs to the family of crow.

8. Vestry : Church : : Dispensary : ?

(a)Laboratory (b)Hospital (c)School (d)Monastery

Ans: (b)

Exp: Second is a higher institution than the first.

9. Visitor : Invitation : : Witness : ?

(a)Subpoena (b)Permission (c)Assent (d)Document

Ans: (a)

Exp: A Visitor is given an invitation to attend an occasion.
Witness is delivered a subpoena providing for attendance at the court.

10. Mash : Horse : : Mast : ?

(a)Cow (b)Monkey (c)Chimpanze (d)Pig

Ans: (d)

Exp: First is a food for the second.

11. Good : Bad : : Virtue : ?

(a)Blame (b)Sin (c)Despair (d)Vice

Ans: (d)

Exp: The words in each pair are opposites of each other.

12. Igloos : Canada : : Rondavels : ?

(a)Africa (b)Rangoon (c)Russia (d)Indonesia

Ans: (a)

Exp: First is the type of houses most commonly found in the second.

13. Penology : Punishment : : Seismology : ?

(a)Law (b)Liver (c)Earthquakes (d)Medicine

Ans: (c)

Exp: Penology is the study of punishment.
Seismology is is the study of Earthquakes.

14. Noise : Din : : Quiet : ?

(a)Hush (b)Dumb (c)Gag (d)Mouth

Ans: (a)

Exp: second is a more intense form of the first.

15. Touch : Feel : : Greet : ?

(a)Smile (b)Manners (c)Acknowledge (d)Success

Ans: (c)

Exp: Touch is felt and greet is acknowlwdged.

16. Wine : Grapes : : Perry : ?

(a)Whisky (b)Pears (c)Almonds (d)Pomagranates

Ans: (b)

Exp: First is made from the second.

17. Jungle : Zoo : : Sea : ?

(a)Aquarium (b)Harbour (c)Water (d)Fishery

Ans: (a)

Exp: The organisms living in a jungle are artificially reared in a Zoo.
The organisms living in the sea are artificially reared in an aquarium.

18. Primo : Music : : Suburb : ?

(a)Province (b)Country (c)State (d)City

Ans: (d)

Exp: First is a part of the second.

19. Mastic : Gum : : Suet : ?

(a)Milk (b)Fat (c)Hide (d)Fur

Ans: (b)

Exp: Mastic is a gum obtained from plants and suet is a fat obtained from

20. Orgami : paper : : Ikebana : ?

(a)Trees (b)Theatre (c)Flowers (d)Tapestry

Ans: (c)

Exp: First is an art associated with the second.

21. Enterpreneur : Profit : : Scholar : ?

(a)Income (b)Knowledge (c)Service (d)Business

Ans: (b)

Exp: First strives to acquire the second.

22. Nautilus : Fish : : Teal : ?

(a)Chicken (b)Dolphin (c)Duck (d)Pigeon

Ans: (c)

Exp: Nautilus is a type of fish and teal is a type of duck.

23. Bank : Money : : Transport : ?

(a)Goods (b)Road (c)Traffic (d)Speed

Ans: (a)

Exp: Transaction of second is done through the first.

24. Archipelago : Islands : : Massif : ?

(a)Mountains (b)Caves (c)Forests (d)Hillocks

Ans: (a)

Exp: First is a group of the second.

25. Rill : Stream : : Pony : ?

(a)Mare (b)Mule (c)Donkey (d)Horse

Ans: (d)

Exp: Rill is a small stream and pony is a small horse.

26. Calf : Cow : : Puppy : ?

(a)Dog (b)Bitch (c)Horse (d)Donkey

Ans: (b)

Exp: The relationship is that of young one and female parent.

27. Eccrinology : Secretions : : Selenography : ?

(a)Sun (b)Moon (c)Crust (d)Mantle

Ans: (b)

Exp: Eccrinology is the study of secretions and selenography is the study of

28. Coconut : Shell : : Letter : ?

(a)Letter-box (b)Stamp (c)Mail (d)Envelope

Ans: (d)

Exp: First is enclosed inside the second.

29. Roster : Duty : : Inventory : ?

(a)Furnace (b)Exports (c)Goods (d)Produce

Ans: (c)

Exp: Roster is a list of duties and inventory is a list of goods.

30. Hilt : Sword : : Out work : ?

(a)Hippodrome (b)Field (c)Rink (d)Fortness

Ans: (d)

Exp: First is a part of the second.

31. Anaemia : Blood : : Anarchy : ?

(a)Disorder (b)Monarchy (c)Government (d)lawlessness

Ans: (c)

Exp: Anaemia is the lack of blood.
Similarly,anarchy is the lack of government.

32. Heed : Neglect : :Pacify: ?

(a)Victory (b)Incite (c)Allay (d)War

Ans: (b)

Exp: The words in each pair are opposites of each other.

33. Probe : Wound : : Anemography : ?

(a)Humidity (b)Rainfall (c)Force (d)Pressure

Ans: (c)

Exp: Probe is an instrument to examine a wound.
Similarly,anemogrphy is an instrument for recording force.

34. Loiter : Dwandle : : Impugn : ?

(a)Challenge (b)Gamble (c)Confiscate (d)Revenge

Ans: (a)

Exp: The words in each pair are synonyms of each other.

35. Oasis : Sand : : Island : ?

(a)River (b)Sea (c)Water (d)Waves

Ans: (c)

Exp: Oasis is a water pool amidst sand.
Similarly, island is a place of land amidst water.

36. Anatomy : Zoology : : Paediatrics : ?

(a)Chemistry (b)Medicine    (c)Palaeontology (d)Mechanics

Ans: (b)

Exp: Anatomy is a branch of zoology.
Similarly,Paediatrics is a branch of medicine.

37. War : Death : : Smoke : ?

(a)Burning (b)Pollution (c)Fire (d)Cigaratte

Ans: (b)

Exp: Second is the result of the first.

38. Scout : Army : : Clerk : ?

(a)Office (b)Files (c)Officer (d)Administration

Ans: (a)

Exp: Work of the second at the lowest level is performed by the first.

39. Winter : Hibernation : : Summer : ?

(a)Survival (b)Activation (c)Aestivation (d)Cache

Ans: (c)

Exp: Winter sleep of animals is called hibernation and summer sleep is called

40. Sports : Logo : : Nation : ?

(a)Anthem (b)Ruler (c)Animal (d)Emblem

Ans: (d)

Exp: Second is a symbol of the first.

41. Vegetable : Chop : : Body : ?

(a)Cut (b)Amputate (c)Peel (d)Prume

Ans: (b)

Exp: Cutting of vegetables is called chopping.
Cutting off a body part is called amputating.

42. Mountain : Valley : : Genius : ?

(a)Brain (b)Idiot (c)Think (d)Intelligence

Ans: (b)

Exp: The words in each pain are opposites of each other.

43. Misogamy : Marriage : : Misogyny : ?

(a)Children (b)Husband (c)Relation (d)Women

Ans: (d)

Exp: First is a hatred for the second.

44. Eye : Wink : : Heart : ?

(a)Move (b)Throb (c)Pump (d)Ouiver

Ans: (b)

Exp: Second denotes the activity of the first.

45. Wine : Grapes : : Vodka : ?

(a)Potatoes (b)Apples (c)Oranges (d)Flour

Ans: (d)

Exp: First is prepared from the second.

46. Calender : Dates : : Dictionary : ?

(a)Vocabulary (b)Language (c)Words (d)Book

Ans: (c)

Exp: Calender is a list of dates.
Likewise,dictionary is a collection words.

47. Novice : Learner : : Harbinger : ?

(a)Messenger (b)Thief (c)Pickpocket (d)Robber

Ans: (a)

Exp: The words in each pair are synonyms.

48. Sikkim : Gangtok : : Manipur : ?

(a)Dispur (b)Cherapunji (c)Shillong (d)Imphal

Ans: (a)

Exp: Gangtok is the capital of Sikkim and Imphal is the capital of Manipur.

49. Line : Square : : Arc : ?

(a)Ring (b)Sphere (c)Circle (d)Ball

Ans: (c)

Exp: First is a part of the second.

50. Convoy : Ships : : Deputation : ?

(a)Voters (b)Representation (c)Politicians (d)Writers

Ans: (b)

Exp: First is a group of second , employed for a certain purpose.

51. Training : Leather : : Pyrotechnics : ?

(a)Wool (b)Fireworks (c)Bombs (d)Machinery

Ans: (b)

Exp: First is the process of manufacturing the second.

52. Shark : Fish : : Lavender : ?

(a)Shrub (b)Tree (c)Herb (d)Climber

Ans: (a)

Exp: Shark is a fish and Lavender is a shrub.

53. Circle : Circumference : : Square : ?

(a)Volume (b)Area (c)Diagonal (d)Perimeter

Ans: (d)

Exp: Second is a measure of the boundary of the first.

54. Oriel : Room : : Tendon : ?

(a)Blood (b)Muscles (c)Veins (d)Liver

Ans: (b)

Exp: First is a part of the second.

55. Car : Petrol : : Televison : ?

(a)Electricity (b)Transmission (c)Entertainment (d)Antenna

Ans: (a)

Exp: A car runs on petrol and a televison works by electricity.

56. Applique : Ornament : : Impound : ?

(a)Confiscate (b)Powder (c)Grab (d)Snatch

Ans: (a)

Exp: The given words are synonyms of each other.

57. Pig : Farrow :: Dog : ?

(a)Mare (b)Pappy (c)Bitch (d)Colt

Ans: (b)

Exp: Second is the young one of the first.

58. Mattock : Dig : : Shoval :?

(a)Break (b)Push (c)Scoop (d)Whittle

Ans: (c)

Exp: Mattock is a tool to dig hard ground
Similarly, Shoval is a tool to scoop.

59. Knoll : Hill : : Eclogue : ?

(a)Poem (b)Music (c)Drama (d)Ballad

Ans: (a)

Exp: Knoll is a small hill and eclogue is a short poem.

60. Receptionist : Office : : Hostess : ?

(a)Aircraft (b)Crew (c)Hospital (d)Airport

Ans: (a)

Exp: First attends the clients in the second.




                                                 EXERCISE B

Directions: There is a certain relation between two given words on one side of : :
and one word is given on another side of : : while another word is to be found from
the given alternatives, having the same relation with this word as the given pair has.
Select the best alternative.

1. Dog : Rabies : : Mosquito : ?

(a)Plague (b)Death (c)Malaria (d)Sting

Ans: (c)

Exp: The bite of the first causes the second.

2. Man : Biography : : Nation : ?

(a)Leader (b)People (c)Geography (d)History

Ans: (d)

Exp: Second contains the story of the first.

3. Doctor : Diagnosis : : Judge : ?

(a)Court (b)Punishment (c)Lawyer (d)Judgement

Ans: (d)

Exp: The function of a doctor is to diagnose a disease and that of a judge is to
give judgement.

4. Horse : Jockey : : Car : ?

(a)Mechanic (b)Chauffeur (c)Steering (d)Brake

Ans: (b)

Exp: Horse is friven by a jockey .
Similarly,car is driven by a chauffeur.

5. Fog : Visibility : : AIDS : ?

(a)Health (b)Resistance (c)Virus (d)Death

Ans: (b)

Exp: First impairs the second.

6. Porcupine : Rodent : : Mildew :?

(a)Fungus (b)Germ (c)Insect (d)Pathogen

Ans: (a)

Exp: Porcupine is a rodent and mildew is a fungus.

7. Reading : Knowledge : : Work:?

(a)Experience (b)Engagement (c)Employment (d)Experiment

Ans: (a)

Exp: Second is acquired from the first.

8. Scrap : Food : : Lees : ?

(a)Bread (b)Tea (c)Wine (d)Rice

Ans: (c)

Exp: First is the left over of the second.

9. Conscience : Wrong : : Police : ?

(a)Thief (b)Law (c)Discipline (d)Crime

Ans: (d)

Exp: First prevents the second.

10. Cricket : Bat : : Hockey : ?

(a)Field (b)Stick (c)Player (d)Ball

Ans: (b)

Exp: In cricket ball is hit with a bat.
Similarly,in Hockey ,the ball is hit with a stick.

11. Glucose : Carbohydrate : : Soyabean : ?

 (a)Proteins (b)Vitamins (c)Minerals   (d)Legumes

Ans: (a)

Exp: Glucose is rich in carbohydrates and Soyabean is rich in proteins.

12. Jeopardy:Peril:: Jealousy:?



Exp:First is a more intense form of the second.

13. Pigeon:Peace::White flag:?



Exp:Pigeon is a symbol of peace and white flag is a symbol of surrender.

14. Teheran:Iran::Beijing:?



Exp:Teheran is the capital of Iran and Beijing is the capital of China.

15. Enough:Excess:Sufficiency:?



Exp:Sufficiency indicates 'enough' and Surplus indicates 'excess.

16. Squint:Eye::Squeeze:?



Exp:To squint is to constrict the eyes and squeeze is to constrict the hands.

17. Hermit:Solitude::Intruder:?



Exp:The words in each pair are synonyms.

18. Tea:Cup::Tobacco:?


Exp:Tea is contained in the cup.

Tobacco is contained cheroot.

19. Market:Demand::Farming:?

(a)Farmer (b)Monsoons(c)Foodgrain(d)Supply


Exp:Market depends on Demand and Farming depends on Monsoons.

20. Skirmush:War::Disease:?



Exp:Second is a more intense form of the first.

21. Wimbledon Trophy:Tennis ::Walker's cup:?



Exp:Wimbledon Trophy is associated with the game of Tennis.
Similarly , Walker's cup is associated with the game of Golf.

22. Skeleton:Body::Grammar:?



Exp:Just as skeleton forms the framework of the body,so also Grammar lays
down the
essentials of language.

23. Atom:Matter::Particle:?



Exp:The smallest unit of matter is atom and that of dust is particle.

24. Disease:Pathology::Planet :?



Exp:Diseases are studied under Pathology.
Similarly,Planets are studied in Astrology.

25. Mature:Regressed :: Varied:?



Exp:The words in each pair are opposites of each other.

26. Wool:Sheep::Mohair:?



Exp:Wool is a fibre obtained from sheep,
Similarly, mohair is a fibre obtained from goat.

27. Man:Machine::Master:?



Exp:Machine is made to work by a man.
Similarly,Slave works under the instructions of his master.

28. Sedative :Pain::Solace:?

(a)Irritation (b)Kill(c)Grief(d)Hurt


Exp:First is the feeling associated with the second.

29. Elegance:Vulgarity::Graceful:?



Exp:The words in each pair are antonyms of each other.

30. Horse:Neigh ::Jackal:?



Exp:Second is the noise produced by the first.

31. Harp:Drum::Flute:?



Exp:The voice of harp is shrill as compared to that of drum.
Flute produces a shrill sound as compared to that of bugle.

32. Imprison:Jail::Exile:?



Exp:the words in each pair are synonyms.

33. Victory:Encouragement::Failure:?



Exp:Victory leads to encouragement and failure brings frustration.

34. Dilatory:Expeditious::Direct:?



Exp:The words in each pair are opposites of each other.

35. Cunning:Fox::Timid:?



Exp:Fox is a cunning animal and ass is a timid animal.

36. Aeroplane:Cockpit::Train:?



Exp:As the pilot of an aeroplane sits in the cockpit,
the driver of a train works in the engine.

37. Major:Battalion::Colonel:?



Exp:As Major heads a battalion,the Colonel commands a regiment.

38. Heart:Pericardium::Brain:?



Exp:Second is a bony protective covering for the first.

39. Crow:Carrion::Leech:?



Exp:First feeds on the second.

40. Insert:Extract::Mighty:?



Exp:The words in each pair are opposites of each other.

41. Perch:Fresh Water::?:Salt water



Exp:A Perch is a fresh water fish.
Similarly, a cod is a salt water fish.

42. Orthologist :Birds::Anthropologist:?



Exp:Ornithologist specialises in the study of birds
Similarly, anthropologist specialises in the study of mankind.

43. Meat :Vegetarian::Liquor:?



Exp:One who abstains from meat is called a vegetarian and
one who abstains from liquor is called a teetotaller.

44. Amber:Yellow::Caramine:?



Exp:Amber is a shade of yellow colour.
Similarly,caramine is a shade of red colour.

45. Wax:Wane::Zenith:?



Exp:The words in each pair are antonyms.

46. Foundation:Edifice::Constitution:?



Exp:First forms the basis of the second.

47. Taxonomy:Classification::Pedology:?



Exp:Taxonomy is the science dealing with classification.
Similarly,pedology deals with study of soils.

48. Nightingale:Warble::Frog:?



Exp:Second is the sound produced by the first.

49. Rondo:Music ::Lay:?



Exp:Rondo is a type of music and lay is a type of song.

50. Deciduous:Willow::Coniferous:?



Exp:Willow is a deciduous tree and spruce is a Coniferous tree.





                                            EXERCISE A

Directions: In each of the following questions,there is a certain relationship
between two given words

on one side of : : and one word is given on another side of : :while another word is
to be found from the given alternatives,having the same relation with this word as
the words of the given pair bear. Choose the correct alternative.

1 . Moon : Satellite : : Earth :?

(A) Sun (B) Planet (C)Solar System (D) Asteroid

Ans: (B)

Explanation: Moon is a satellite and Earth is a Planet .

2 . Forecast : Future : : Regret :?

(A) Present (B) Atone (C)Past (D)Sins

Ans: (C)

Explanation: Forecast is for Future happenings and Regret is for past actions .

3. Influenza : Virus : : Typhoid : ?

(A) Bacillus (B)Parasite (C)Protozoa (D) Bacteria

Ans: (D)

Explanation: First is the disease caused by the second .

4. Fear : Threat : : Anger : ?

(A)Compulsion (B)Panic (C)Provocation (D)Force

Ans: (C)

Explanation: First arises from the second .

5. Melt : Liquid : : Freeze : ?

(A)Ice (B)Condense (C)Solid (D)Crystal

Ans: (C)

Explanation: First is the process of formation of the second .

6. Clock : Time : : Thermometer : ?

(A)Heat (B)Radiation (C)Energy (D)Temperature

Ans: (D)

Explanation: First is an instrument used to measure the second .

7. Muslim : Mosque : : Sikhs : ?

(A)Golden Temple (B)Medina (C)Fire Temple (D)Gurudwara

Ans: (D)

Explanation: Second is the pace of worship for the first.

8. Paw : Cat : : Hoof : ?

(A)Horse (B)Lion (C)Lamb (D)Elephant

Ans: (A)

Explanation: First is the name given to the foot of the second .

9. Eye :Myopia : : Teeth : ?

(A)Pyorrhea (B)Cataract (C)Trachoma (D)Eczema

Ans: (A)

Explanation: Second is a disease of the first.

10. Tractor : Trailer : : Horse : ?

(A)Stable (B)Cart (C)Saddle (D)Engine

Ans: (B)

Explanation: Second is pulled by the first.

11. Scribble : Write : : Stammer : ?

(A)Walk (B)Play (C)Speak (D)Dance

Ans: (C)

Explanation: First is an improper form of the second.

12. Flower : Bud : : Plant : ?

(A) Seed (B)Taste (C)Flower (D)Twig

Ans: (A)

Explanation: First develop from the second .

13. Errata : Books : : flaws:?

(A)Manuscripts (B)Metals (C)Speech (D)Charter

Ans: (B)

Explanation: Errata comprises from the books.Similarly, Flaws are the defects in the

14. Gun : Bullet : : Chimney : ?

(A)Ground (B)House (C)Roof (D)Smoke

Ans: (D)

Explanation: Second comes out of the first .

15. Breeze : Cyclone : : Drizzle : ?

(A)earth quake (B)Storm (C)Flood (D)Down pour

Ans: (D)

Explanation: Second is more intense than the first .

16. Car : Garage : : Aeroplane : ?

(A)Port (B)Depot (C)Hanger (D)Harbour

Ans: (C)

Explanation: First is temporarily parked in the second .

17. Race : Fatigue : : Fast : ?

(A)Food (B)Appetite (C)Hunger (D)Weakness

Ans: (C)

Explanation: First causes the second .

18. Candle : Wax : : Paper :?

(A)Wood (B)Tree (C)Bamboo (D)Pulp

Ans: (D)

Explanation: First is made from the second.

19. Acting : Theater : : Gambling : ?

(A)Casino (B)Club (C)Bar (D)Gymn

Ans: (A)

Explanation: Second is the place for performing the first .

20. Venerate : Worship : : Extol : ?

(A)Glorify (B)Homage (C)Compliment (D)Recommend

Ans: (A)

Explanation: The words in each pair are synonyms .

21. Water : Convection : : Space : ?

(A)Conduction (B)Transference (C)Vacuum (D)Radiation

Ans: (D)

Explanation: Second is the mode of transference of heat by the first .

22. Growth : Death : : Increase : ?

(A)Ease (B)decrease (C)Tease (D)Cease

Ans: (D)

Explanation: Second puts an end to the activity denoted by the first .

23. Oxygen : Burn : : Carbon dioxide : ?

(A)Isolate (B)Foam (C)Extinguish (D)Explode

Ans: (C)

Explanation: Oxygen helps in burnings while carbon dioxide extinguished fires .

24. Dog : Bark : : Goat : ?

(A)Bleat (B)Howl (C)Grunt (D)Bray

Ans: (A)

Explanation: Second is noise produced by the first .

25. Grain : Stock : : Stick : ?

(A)Heap (B)Bundle (C)Collection (D)String

Ans: (B)

Explanation: Second is collection of the first .

26. Nurture : Neglect : : Denigrate : ?

(A)Reveal (B)Extol(C)Recognize (D)Calumniate

Ans: (B)

Explanation: The words in each pair are antonyms .

27. Planet : Orbit : : Projectile : ?

(A)Trajectory (B)Track (C)Milky way (D)Path

Ans: (A)

Explanation: Second is the path traced by the first .

28. Genuine : Authentic : : Mirage : ?

(A)Image (B)Transpiration (C)Reflection (D)Illusion

Ans: (D)

Explanation: The words in each pair are synonyms .

29. Cobbler : Leather : : Carpenter : ?

(A)Furniture (B)Wood (C)Hammer (D)Chair

Ans: (B)

Explanation: Second is the raw material used by the first .

30. Rupee : Indian : : Yen : ?

(A)Turkey (B)Bangladesh (C)Pakistan (D)Japan

Ans: (D)

Explanation: Rupee is the currency of India . Similarly , Yen is the currency of Japan .

31. Ocean : Deserts : : Waves : ?

(A)Sea (B)Dust (C)Sand dunes (D)Ripples

Ans: (C)

Explanation: If oceans were deserts, waves would be sand dunes .

32. Pork : Pig : : Beef : ?

(A)Farmer (B)Herd (C)Cow(D)Lamb

Ans: (C)

Explanation: First is the name given to the meat of the second .

33. Illiteracy : Education : : Flood : ?

(A)Rain (B)Bridge (C)Dam (D)River

Ans: (C)

Explanation: Second helps ot get rid of the first

34. Appraiser : Building : : Critic : ?
(A)Book (B)Masterpiece (C)Judge (D)Gold

Ans: (A)

Explanation: First comments on the second .

35. Fruit : Banana : : mammal : ?
(A)Cow (B)Snake (C)Fish (D)Sparrow
Ans: (A)
Explanation: First denotes the class to which the second belongs .

36. Tile : Mosaic : : Knot : ?

(A)Embroidery (B)Abacus (C)Macrame (D)Easle

Ans: (C)

Explanation: Just as tiles in mosaic make a pattern , so also the knots in a piece of
macrame make a pattern .

37. Import : Export : : Expenditure : ?

(A)Deficit (B)Revenue (C)Debt (D)Tax

Ans: (B)

Explanation: The words in each pair are antonyms .
38. Hill : Mountain : : Stream : ?

(A)River (B)Canal (C)Glacier (D)Avalanche

Ans: (A)

Explanation: Second is bigger form of first .

39. Country : President : : State : ?

(A)Governor (B)Minister (C)Chief minister (D)Citizen

Ans: (A)

Explanation: President and Governor are the nominal heads of country and state
respectively .

40. Bread : Yeast : : Curd : ?

(A)Fungi (B)Bacteria (C)Germs(D)Virus

Ans: (B)

Explanation: First is produced by the action of the second .

41. Court : Justice : : School : ?

(A)Teacher (B)Student (C)Ignorance (D)Education

Ans: (D)

Explanation: First is the place where the second is imparted .

42. Quartz : Radio : : Gypsum : ?

(A)Glass (B)Porcelain (C)Cement (D)Powder

Explanation: First is used to make the second .

43. Chromite : Chromium : : Ilmenite :?

(A)Limestone (B)Cobalt (C)Manganese (D)Titanium

Ans: (D)

Explanation: Chromite is a mineral of chromium and ilmenite is a mineral of titanium.

44. Command : Order : : Confusion : ?

(A)Discipline (B)Clarity (C)Choas (D)Problem

Ans: (C)

Explanation: The words in each pair are synonyms.

45. Ruby : Red : : Sapphire : ?

(A)Blue (B)White (C)Green (D)Silver

Ans: (A)

Explanation:red precious stone and sapphire is a blue precious stone .

46. House : Garbage : : Ore : ?

(A)Rubbish (B)Gangue (C)Sand (D)Dregs

Ans: (B)

Explanation: The waste of the house is called garbage .Similarly ,the impurities in the
ore are called gangue .

47. HongKong : China : : Vatican : ?

(A)Rome (B)Mexico (C)Canada (D)Christianity

Ans: (A)

Explanation: HongKong is a city in China .Similarly ,Vatican is a city in Rome.

48. Sculptor : Statue : : Poet : ?

(A)Canvas (B)Pen (C)Verse (D)Chisel

Ans: (C)

Explanation: Second is prepared by the first .

49. Fossils : Creatures : : Mummies : ?

(A)Egypt (B)Human beings (C)Animals (D)Martyrs

Ans: (B)

Explanation: Fossils are the remains of the creatures .Similarly mummies are the
remains of human beings .

50. King : Throne : : Rider : ?

(A)Seat (B)Horse (C)Saddle (D)Chair

Ans: (C)

Explanation: A king sits on throne and a rider on a saddle .



Sunday, November 21, 2010



<<<<<<< Tell me about yourself>>>>>>

Jithin said:

Good morning. I am Jithin. I did my schooling from Christ Nagar Senior Secondary school. I am now doin my B-Tech in EEE from Government Engineering College Bartonhill. I have an aggregate of 74% till S6.

About my family, my father and mother are both government employees. I am the only son of my parents.

My strengths are sincierity, helping menatlity, organising skills and problem solving skills. The main negative I found about me is that I get annoyed by imperfection and insincierity.

My hobbies are listening to refreshing music, watching movies, cricket and playing badminton and carroms.


Rahul said:

I am Rahul from Nellore. Coming to my educational profile I have done my MCA in Nandi college of business management with an aggregate of 74% and I hold my B.Sc., computer science degree from aruna degree college, Nellore. I have significant knowledge in both Java and .Net its an added advantage to me. Currently I have been working as a freelanced developer for web applications through online. My strengths are my hard working nature and dedication to my job. My hobbies are playing chess and browsing internet. My goal is to be well placed in reputed company



Rinchan said:

A very good morning to you sir/madam. I am Rinchan Goel from Fatehgarh Sahib, Punjab. I have done my from ABC college in ECE stream with 78% marks. I have done my six month training in central scientific instrument organisation, Chandigarh which is one of d top 10 organisations in all over India so because of that I know how to give your 100 percent effort to fulfill the works. As my strength and weakness is concerned my strength is I am passionate and very honest about my work but my weakness are I believe too much on others and m little bit sensitive (emotional).

As I am a fresher, so firstly I have to increase my technical skills and I am sure that your company is the best company which will give me platform to increase my technical skill so that I can helpful for your company (which I hope soon will also be mine) to reach the goal of success.

                                                Thank you!.*




Sarvani said:

Strengths: I'am a hard worker.

Weakness: My shyness and I have less fluency in english. But I'am trying to recover it.


Namadeo Bhangire said:

my stength is i am hard worker, positive thinking, self motivated, quick learner.

my weaknees are my fearness and littel short temper but i can immprove it.


Lakshmi said:

my strengths are: Attitude, self confidence and amicable nature

my weaknesses are :Straight forwardness and Honesty


Sandip said:

My greatest strengths is my self Confidence. I have leadership quality. I have great communication skills, quick decision making and I able to work under Pressure. As a marketing guy I have good selling skills and convincing power. I can easily survive in any environment. I can work hard to achieve my targets in time. I am motivated, disciplined, and focused and am determined to get my job done well and on time.

My weakness, I'm emotional but not emotional fool and I'm not satisfy with my work when there is little mistake.


Milli said:

I am a candid person, with positive attitude, having good comunication skills, I can prove myself in any type of environment, I am very emotional and I believe this is my weakness.


Rehman said:

strength-optimistic interactive humorous person.

weakness-frank to all


Kavi said:

My strengths are: positive attitude, friendly with everyone, adjustable person, I help others if I can, hard working and a confident person.

Weakness are: I believe others easily.:



Lakshmi said:

Being a fresher, stepping into a big company like your's is a big challenge and attaining a remarkable experience would be the greatest asset to me. So I'm glad working with you!.


Sathya said:

I want to work in your company because it provides a good environment to boost up my knowledge and give the best for the upliftment of company as well as our country. It is also a great privilege to work in a reputed company like this.


Sundar : Don't say like this. Indirectly you are saying that you will jump to other company. Kindly read other answers and get a better idea. All the best.


Xyz : Please don't say like this. You will ruin your interview, since you are giving a clear hint that u'll be joining a another company after some priod of time.


Nabab said:

Because working in a reputed company like yours is a great honor as it will definitely add great value to my career.


Kaladhar said:

To work in in this globally reputed company will enrich my organisational knowledge and boost my career too. As I am beginner I can learn more from high profiled employees of your company.


Rashmi said:

Sir, working in a respected company like yours is a great honour. It will give a great boost to my carrier as it will be a learning while working experience. With my hardwork I will definitely add to the success of your company.


Pavithra said:

It has excellent growth opportunities and I always wish to join in a company like this. Besides that, I have heard through my friends about this company that, it will be a greater learning experience as well as privilege to join here.


Preeti said:

Sir, to work in a well established company like yours is a privilege. The way your company has emerged to a top ranker is really appreciable and something to be looked up to. I have read about your employees' views and most of them are positive about your company. You all also support out of the box opportunities such as XYZ which is also a relief from daily workload. I am sure you will give me the right exposure and the opportunities to prove myself.


  Palaniyappan said:

i can do is confidence

i will do is over confidence


Rehman said:

If we play in the mindset, we shouldn't lose means confidence. But.

If we play in the mindset, we won't lose means overconfidence.


Vipin said:

Confidance is power of your mind to say or be what you are or what you have.

Overcofidance is power of your Ego which make you become fake.


Swati Srivastava said:

I ensure that to do the work perfectly with effective manner is confidence.

I am sure only I can do the work perfectly always is over confidence.


Shraddha Jain said:

I have the ability to do almost every work in effective way is confidence.

I have the ability to do every work in effective way is over confidence.


Lakshman said:

Think an example. I can swim the river of breadth of 3 km is over confidence (for a normal human being). I will make a boat kind of arrangement and cross the river is confidence. The difference is the decision based feasibility and achievable considerations/assumptions


Palaniyappan said:

hard work is expense time and effort

smart work is retains the time and effort


Janardhan said:

hard work is to completing the job at any cause.

smart work means doing the give work effectively.


Lakshmi said:

Hard work is doing things in a systematic manner and get it done in time!

smart work is doing things by using resources like time, energy, materials .... OPTIMALLY!



Lakshmi said:

My goal is to become a sophisticated person!!!! thats a complete Man....and like to serve the poor and needy once i reach the state wherein I can give my hand to them!!!!!!!!!


Ashu said:

Sir, after completion of my B.Tech I want to implement my technical skill in practical field.


Agrwal said:

My goal is to develop my skills and be a good person having good name and fame in the society.


Lokesh said:

Balancing the life of Journey, Between the professional as well as personal. Both Cycling under the equal level.


Sameera said:

I want to be a role model to every one who would like to achieve some thing in their life.


Sandeep Gupta said:

Well, My short term goal is to get settle in the organisation and my long term goal would be to become one of the best employee in this organisation and handling more job responsibilities at a better position.


Rashmi said:

My goal is to become a successful professional in the cooperate world and with my skills and hard work want to add to the success of company.


Suresh Y said:

My short term goal is to get a job and take care of my family and my long term goal is to innovate new thing which helps my organisation as well as for my career.





Why HR Interview?

Practice the HR (Human Resource) Interview questions given below and improve your communication and decision making skills in order to face the Interviews with full confidence.

This section covers HR interview questions and answers. It will help the job seekers who are about to attend interview. All companies are opting HR interview round to know more about job seeker's interpersonal skills, leadership abilities, decision making and communication skills. We strongly suggest you to go through these questions and write down your answers and compare with others.

General HR interview questions are discussed here.

Category :: Interview Questions For Freshers

#Tell me about yourself.

#Why should I hire you?

#What are your strengths and weaknesses?

#Why do you want to work at our company?

#What is the difference between confidence and over confidence?

#What is the difference between hard work and smart work?

#How do you feel about working nights and weekends?

#Can you work under pressure?

#Are you willing to relocate or travel?

#What are your goals?

#What motivates you to do good job?

#What makes you angry?

#Give me an example of your creativity.

#How long would you expect to work for us if hired?

#Are not you overqualified for this position?

#Describe your ideal company, location and job.

#What are your career options right now?

#Explain how would be an asset to this organization?

#What are your outside interests?

#Would you lie for the company?

#Who has inspired you in your life and why?

#What was the toughest decision you ever had to make?

#Have you considered starting your own business?

#How do you define success and how do you measure up to your own definition?

#If you won $10 million lottery, would you still work?

#Tell me something about our company.

#How much salary do you expect?

#Where do you see yourself five years from now?

#On a scale of one to ten, rate me as an interviewer.

#Do you have any questions for me?

Category :: HR Interview Questions For Experienced

#Why did you resign from your previous job?

#Why have you been out of work so long?

#Why have you had so many jobs?

#Tell me about a situation when your work was criticized.

#Could you have done better in your last job?

#Tell me about the most boring job you have ever had.

#May I contact your present employer for a reference?

#How many hours a week do you normally work?

#What was the toughest challenge you have ever faced?

#Have you been absent from work more than a few days in any previous position?

#What changes would you make if you came on board?

#What would you say to your boss if he is crazy about an idea, but you think it stinks?

#How could you have improved your career progress?

#Tell me honestly about the strong points and weak points of your boss (company, management team, etc.)

#Looking back on your last position, have you done your best work?

#Why should I hire you from the outside when I could promote someone from within?

#How do you feel about reporting to a younger person?

#Looking back, what would you do differently in your life?

#Why are not you earning more money at this stage of your career?

GK 02

            <<< INDIAN HOSTORY >>>

1. Vande Mataram was first sung at the session of the Indian National Congress in

A. 1892 B. 1896

C. 1904 D. 1886

Answer: Option B


2. Under the Nayankara system of Vijayanagar, lands were assigned to

A. mathas for the maintenance of temples

B. persons against annual tributes and military service

C. Brahmins for charitable trusts

D. women without any source of income

Answer: Option B


3. The title 'Vikramaditya' was assumed by

A. Harsha

B. Chandragupta II

C. Kanishka

D. Samudragupta

Answer & ExplanationAnswer: Option B


4.The Battle of Plassey was fought in

A. 1757 B. 1782

C. 1748 D. 1764

Answer: Option A


5.The territory of Porus who offered strong resistance to Alexander was situated between the rivers of

A. Sutlej and Beas

B. Jhelum and Chenab

C. Ravi and Chenab

D. Ganga and Yamuna

Answer: Option B

6. Tripitakas are sacred books of

A. Buddhists B. Hindus

C. Jains D. None of the above

Answer: Option A


7.The trocesers were introduced in the Indian dress by

A. the Aryans

B. the Kushans

C. the Greeks

D. the Truks

Answer: Option B

8.The trident-shaped symbol of Buddhism does not represent

A. Nirvana

B. Sangha

C. Buddha

D. Dhamma

Answer: Option A

9. The theory of economic drain of India during British imperialism was propounded by

A. Jawaharlal Nehru

B. Dadabhai Naoroji

C. R.C. Dutt

D. M.K. Gandhi

Answer: Option B


10. The treaty of Sriangapatnam was signed between Tipu Sultan and

A. Robert Clive

B. Cornwallis

C. Dalhousie

D. Warren Hastings

Answer: Option B


11. The system of competitive examination for civil service was accepted in principle in the year

A. 1833 B. 1853

C. 1858 D. 1882

Answer: Option B
12.Through which one of the following, the king exercised his control over villages in the Vijayanagar Empire?

A. Dannayaka B. Sumanta

C. Nayaka D. Mahanayakacharya

Answer: Option D


13.The Vijayanagara ruler, Kirshnadev Raya's work Amuktamalyada, was in

A. Telugu

B. Sanskrit

C. Tamil

D. Kanada

Answer: Option A


14. Under an agreement with which of the following countries did Subhas Chandra Bose organize the Indian soldiers, taken as prisoners by the Axis Powers, into the Azad Hind Fauj?

A. China

B. Germany

C. Italy

D. Japan

Answer: Option D


15. We hear of two envoys being sent to the Roman kings, one in 27-28 AD to the court of Augustus and the other in 110-20 AD to the court of

A. Cartius B. Trajan

C. Nero D. Brutus

Answer: Option B


16.The use of Kharoshti in ancient Indian architecture is the result of India's contact with

A. Central Asia

B. Iran

C. Greece

D. China

Answer: Option C


17.Vaikhanasa the five-fold conception of Vishnu consists of







A. I, II, III, IV and V

B. II, III, IV, V and VI

C. I, II, IV, V and VI

D. I, III, IV, V and VI

Answer: Option D

18. The troops raised by the emperor but not paid directly the state and place under the charge of mansabadars were know as

A. Walashahi

B. Barawardi

C. JCumaki

D. Dakhili

Answer: Option D


19. The treaty of Mangalore was signed between

A. the English East India Company and Haidar Ali

B. the English East India Company and Tipu Sultan

C. Haidar Ali and the Zamorin of Calicut

D. the French East India Company and Tipu Sultan

Answer: Option B


20.To conquer and annex Peshawar and Punjab, Mahmud of Ghazni defeated

A. Ghurids

B. Arabs

C. Karkotakas

D. Hindushahis

Answer: Option D


21. To which professions earlier leaders who struggled for freedom of India mainly belonged?

A. Lawyers

B. Teachers

C. Journalist

D. All of the above

Answer: Option D


22. The victories of Karikala are well portrayed in

A. Palamoli

B. Aruvanad

C. Pattinappalai

D. Padirrupattu

Answer: Option C


23.Todar Mal was associated with

A. music

B. literature

C. land revenue reforms

D. law

Answer: Option C

24. The third battle of Panipat was between the

A. Afghans and the Marathas

B. Afghans and the Sikhs

C. Marathas and the Mughals under Shah Alam II

D. None of the above

Answer: Option A


25. The title of 'Viceroy' was added to the office of the Governor-General of India for the first time in

A. 1848 AD

B. 1856 AD

C. 1858 AD

D. 1862 AD

Answer: Option C


26. To which of the following dynasties did Kind Bhoja, a great patron of literature and art, belong?

A. Karkota

B. Utpala

C. Paramara

D. Gurjara Pratihara

Answer: Option D


27. The term devamtrika referes to

A. the divine mothers

B. one's homeland

C. lay with divine qualities

D. country with rainfall

Answer: Option D


28. Vikramaditya, a king of Ujjain, started the Vikrama samvat in 58 BC in commemoration of his victory over

A. Indo-Greeks

B. Sakas

C. Parthinas

D. Kushanas

Answer: Option B


29.Two of the great Mughals wrote their own memories. There were

A. Babar and Humayun

B. Humayun and Jahangir

C. Babar and Jahangir

D. Jahangir and Shahjahan

Answer: Option C

30. To which king belongs the Lion capitol at Sarnath?

A. Chandragupta

B. Ashoka

C. Kanishka

D. Harsha

Answer: Option B


31. The zamindari in Mughal India was not

A. a saleable right

B. hereditary

C. ownership of land

D. morgageable

Answer: Option A


32. The use of spinning wheel (Charkha) became common during the

A. 9th Century AD

B. 10th Century AD

C. 12th Century AD

D. 14th Century AD

Answer: Option D


33. The language of discourses of Gautama Buddha was

A. Bhojpuri

B. Magadhi

C. Pali

D. Sanskrit

Answer: Option C


34. There were widespread risings against the British in the 1820s. Which one of the following did not revolt in the 1820s?

A. Santhals

B. Ahoms

C. Pagal Panthis

D. Ramosi

Answer: Option A


35.Velu Thampi led a revolt against the British in state of

A. Travancore

B. Baroda

C. Hyderabad

D. Mysore

Answer: Option A

36. Under the Mountbatten Plan of 1947 the people of ___ were given the right to decide through a plebiscite whether they wished to join Pakistan or India.

A. Assam

B. Punjab

C. Bengal

D. N.W.F.P and the Sylhet district of Assam

Answer: Option D


37. There major powers that emerged in southern India in the 7th century AD were






A. I, II, V



D. I, II, IV

Answer: Option C


38. The term 'Yavanapriya' mentioned in ancient Sanskrit texts denoted

A. ivory

B. pepper

C. a fine variety of Indian muslin

D. damsels sent to the Greek court for dance performance

Answer: Option B


39. The Timariots Governors and the Revenue Contractors, on their part reason in this manner: "Why should the neglected state of this land create uneasiness in our minds and why should we expend our money and time to render it fruitful? We may be deprived of it in a single moment, and our exertions would benefit neither ourselves nor our children." This statement was made by

A. Monserrate

B. Tavernier

C. Manrique

D. Bernier

Answer: Option D

40. The ultimate ownership of land during the post-Gupta period lay with

A. the cultivator

B. the village community

C. the king

D. the joint family

Answer: Option C


41. To which of the republic of Buddha belong?

A. Licchavis

B. Sakyas

C. Mallas

D. None of the above

Answer: Option B

42. To express it is modern terms, the Mughal forces were composed of

A. cavalry and infantry

B. cavalry and artillery

C. infantry, artillery and navy

D. infantry, cavalry, artillery and navy

Answer: Option D


43. There was a sharp class division at Harappa and Mohen-jodaro. This is clear from the

A. Indus seals excavated

B. religious beliefs of the Harappans

C. tools and implements used by the Harappans

D. different types of dwellings excavated

Answer: Option D


44. The title given by the British Government to Mahatma Gandhi which he surrendered during the non-cooperation movement was

A. Hind Keasri

B. Kaiser-e-Hind

C. Rai Bahadur

D. Rt. Honorable

Answer: Option B


45.Tipu sultan was the ruler of

A. Hyderabad

B. Madurai

C. Mysore

D. Vijayanagar

Answer: Option C


46.The term yavanika meant

A. foreign goods

B. dancer

C. curtain

D. theatre

Answer: Option C


47.The term Khalisa in Mughal administration signified the

A. entire Imperial establishment

B. land owned b the emperor himself

C. religious land grants

D. land from where revenue was collected for the Imperial Treasury

Answer: Option B


48.The term Khalisa in Mughal administration signified the

A. entire Imperial establishment

B. land owned b the emperor himself

C. religious land grants

D. land from where revenue was collected for the Imperial Treasury

Answer: Option B
49. Visakhadatta sketches the event after the death of Samudragupta in his work

A. Mudrarakasam

B. Devi Chand Guptam

C. Mrichekakatika

D. Malavikagnimitra

Answer: Option A


50. The system of Dual Government during the latter half of the 18th century AD is associated with the name of

A. Clive

B. Comwallis

C. Waren Hastings

D. William Bentinck

Answer: Option A
