Thursday, October 20, 2011

HTML Tutorial



What is HTML?

HTML is a language for describing web pages.
  • HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language
  • HTML is not a programming language, it is a markup language
  • A markup language is a set of markup tags
  • HTML uses markup tags to describe web pages


HTML markup tags are usually called HTML tags
  • HTML tags are keywords surrounded by angle brackets like
  • HTML tags normally come in pairs like and
  • The first tag in a pair is the start tag, the second tag is the end tag
  • Start and end tags are also called opening tags and closing tags

HTML Documents = Web Pages

  • HTML documents describe web pages
  • HTML documents contain HTML tags and plain text
  • HTML documents are also called web pages
The purpose of a web browser (like Internet Explorer or Firefox) is to read HTML documents and display them as web pages. The browser does not display the HTML tags, but uses the tags to interpret the content of the page:


My First Heading

My first paragraph.

What You Need

You don't need any tools to learn HTML at W3Schools.
  • You don't need an HTML editor
  • You don't need a web server
  • You don't need a web site

Editing HTML

HTML can be written and edited using many different editors like Dreamweaver and Visual Studio.
However, in this tutorial we use a plain text editor (like Notepad) to edit HTML. We believe using a plain text editor is the best way to learn HTML.

Create Your Own Test Web

If you just want to learn HTML, skip the rest of this chapter.
If you want to create a test page on your own computer, just copy the 3 files below to your desktop.
(Right click on each link, and select "save target as" or "save link as")
After you have copied the files, you can double-click on the file called "mainpage.htm" and see your first web site in action.

Use Your Test Web For Learning

We suggest you experiment with everything you learn at W3Schools by editing your web files with a text editor (like Notepad).
Note: If your test web contains HTML markup tags you have not learned, don't panic. You will learn all about it in the next chapters.

.HTM or .HTML File Extension?

When you save an HTML file, you can use either the .htm or the .html file extension. There is no difference, it is entirely up to you.

HTML Headings

HTML headings are defined with the




This is a heading

This is a heading

This is a heading

Try it yourself »

HTML Paragraphs

HTML paragraphs are defined with the


This is a paragraph.

This is another paragraph.

Try it yourself »

HTML Links

HTML links are defined with the tag.


This is a link

Try it yourself »
Note: The link address is specified in the href attribute.
(You will learn about attributes in a later chapter of this tutorial).

HTML Images

HTML images are defined with the tag.


Try it yourself »

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Operating Systems

Operating Systems - Interview Questions and Answers


1. Explain the concept of Reentrancy?

It is a useful, memory-saving technique for multiprogrammed timesharing systems. A Reentrant Procedure is one in which multiple users can share a single copy of a program during the same period. Reentrancy has 2 key aspects: The program code cannot modify itself, and the local data for each user process must be stored separately. Thus, the permanent part is the code, and the temporary part is the pointer back to the calling program and local variables used by that program. Each execution instance is called activation. It executes the code in the permanent part, but has its own copy of local variables/parameters. The temporary part associated with each activation is the activation record. Generally, the activation record is kept on the stack.
Note: A reentrant procedure can be interrupted and called by an interrupting program, and still execute correctly on returning to the procedure.

2. Explain Belady's Anomaly?

Also called FIFO anomaly. Usually, on increasing the number of frames allocated to a process virtual memory, the process execution is faster, because fewer page faults occur. Sometimes, the reverse happens, i.e., the execution time increases even when more frames are allocated to the process. This is Belady's Anomaly. This is true for certain page reference patterns.

3. What is a binary semaphore? What is its use?

A binary semaphore is one, which takes only 0 and 1 as values. They are used to implement mutual exclusion and synchronize concurrent processes.

4. What is thrashing?

It is a phenomenon in virtual memory schemes when the processor spends most of its time swapping pages, rather than executing instructions. This is due to an inordinate number of page faults.

5. List the Coffman's conditions that lead to a deadlock.

    Mutual Exclusion: Only one process may use a critical resource at a time.
    Hold & Wait: A process may be allocated some resources while waiting for others.
    No Pre-emption: No resource can be forcible removed from a process holding it.
    Circular Wait: A closed chain of processes exist such that each process holds at least one resource needed by another process in the chain.

6. What are short, long and medium-term scheduling?

Long term scheduler determines which programs are admitted to the system for processing. It controls the degree of multiprogramming. Once admitted, a job becomes a process.

Medium term scheduling is part of the swapping function. This relates to processes that are in a blocked or suspended state. They are swapped out of real-memory until they are ready to execute. The swapping-in decision is based on memory-management criteria.

Short term scheduler, also know as a dispatcher executes most frequently, and makes the finest-grained decision of which process should execute next. This scheduler is invoked whenever an event occurs. It may lead to interruption of one process by preemption.

7. What are turnaround time and response time?

Turnaround time is the interval between the submission of a job and its completion. Response time is the interval between submission of a request, and the first response to that request.

8. What are the typical elements of a process image?

User data: Modifiable part of user space. May include program data, user stack area, and programs that may be modified.

User program: The instructions to be executed.

System Stack: Each process has one or more LIFO stacks associated with it. Used to store parameters and calling addresses for procedure and system calls.

Process control Block (PCB): Info needed by the OS to control processes.

9. What is the Translation Lookaside Buffer (TLB)?

In a cached system, the base addresses of the last few referenced pages is maintained in registers called the TLB that aids in faster lookup. TLB contains those page-table entries that have been most recently used. Normally, each virtual memory reference causes 2 physical memory accesses- one to fetch appropriate page-table entry, and one to fetch the desired data. Using TLB in-between, this is reduced to just one physical memory access in cases of TLB-hit.

10. What is the resident set and working set of a process?

Resident set is that portion of the process image that is actually in real-memory at a particular instant. Working set is that subset of resident set that is actually needed for execution. (Relate this to the variable-window size method for swapping techniques.)

11. When is a system in safe state?

The set of dispatchable processes is in a safe state if there exists at least one temporal order in which all processes can be run to completion without resulting in a deadlock.

12. What is cycle stealing?

We encounter cycle stealing in the context of Direct Memory Access (DMA). Either the DMA controller can use the data bus when the CPU does not need it, or it may force the CPU to temporarily suspend operation. The latter technique is called cycle stealing. Note that cycle stealing can be done only at specific break points in an instruction cycle.

13. What is meant by arm-stickiness?

If one or a few processes have a high access rate to data on one track of a storage disk, then they may monopolize the device by repeated requests to that track. This generally happens with most common device scheduling algorithms (LIFO, SSTF, C-SCAN, etc). High-density multisurface disks are more likely to be affected by this than low density ones.

14. What are the stipulations of C2 level security?

C2 level security provides for:

    Discretionary Access Control
    Identification and Authentication
    Resource reuse

15. What is busy waiting?

The repeated execution of a loop of code while waiting for an event to occur is called busy-waiting. The CPU is not engaged in any real productive activity during this period, and the process does not progress toward completion.

16. Explain the popular multiprocessor thread-scheduling strategies.

    Load Sharing: Processes are not assigned to a particular processor. A global queue of threads is maintained. Each processor, when idle, selects a thread from this queue. Note that load balancing refers to a scheme where work is allocated to processors on a more permanent basis.
    Gang Scheduling: A set of related threads is scheduled to run on a set of processors at the same time, on a 1-to-1 basis. Closely related threads / processes may be scheduled this way to reduce synchronization blocking, and minimize process switching. Group scheduling predated this strategy.
    Dedicated processor assignment: Provides implicit scheduling defined by assignment of threads to processors. For the duration of program execution, each program is allocated a set of processors equal in number to the number of threads in the program. Processors are chosen from the available pool.
    Dynamic scheduling: The number of thread in a program can be altered during the course of execution.

17. When does the condition 'rendezvous' arise?

In message passing, it is the condition in which, both, the sender and receiver are blocked until the message is delivered.

18. What is a trap and trapdoor?

Trapdoor is a secret undocumented entry point into a program used to grant access without normal methods of access authentication. A trap is a software interrupt, usually the result of an error condition.

19. What are local and global page replacements?

Local replacement means that an incoming page is brought in only to the relevant process address space. Global replacement policy allows any page frame from any process to be replaced. The latter is applicable to variable partitions model only.

20. Define latency, transfer and seek time with respect to disk I/O.

Seek time is the time required to move the disk arm to the required track. Rotational delay or latency is the time it takes for the beginning of the required sector to reach the head. Sum of seek time (if any) and latency is the access time. Time taken to actually transfer a span of data is transfer time.

21. Describe the Buddy system of memory allocation.

Free memory is maintained in linked lists, each of equal sized blocks. Any such block is of size 2^k. When some memory is required by a process, the block size of next higher order is chosen, and broken into two. Note that the two such pieces differ in address only in their kth bit. Such pieces are called buddies. When any used block is freed, the OS checks to see if its buddy is also free. If so, it is rejoined, and put into the original free-block linked-list.

22. What is time-stamping?

It is a technique proposed by Lamport, used to order events in a distributed system without the use of clocks. This scheme is intended to order events consisting of the transmission of messages. Each system 'i' in the network maintains a counter Ci. Every time a system transmits a message, it increments its counter by 1 and attaches the time-stamp Ti to the message. When a message is received, the receiving system 'j' sets its counter Cj to 1 more than the maximum of its current value and the incoming time-stamp Ti. At each site, the ordering of messages is determined by the following rules: For messages x from site i and y from site j, x precedes y if one of the following conditions holds....(a) if Ti

23. How are the wait/signal operations for monitor different from those for semaphores?

If a process in a monitor signal and no task is waiting on the condition variable, the signal is lost. So this allows easier program design. Whereas in semaphores, every operation affects the value of the semaphore, so the wait and signal operations should be perfectly balanced in the program.

24. In the context of memory management, what are placement and replacement algorithms?

Placement algorithms determine where in available real-memory to load a program. Common methods are first-fit, next-fit, best-fit. Replacement algorithms are used when memory is full, and one process (or part of a process) needs to be swapped out to accommodate a new program. The replacement algorithm determines which are the partitions to be swapped out.

25. In loading programs into memory, what is the difference between load-time dynamic linking and run-time dynamic linking?

For load-time dynamic linking: Load module to be loaded is read into memory. Any reference to a target external module causes that module to be loaded and the references are updated to a relative address from the start base address of the application module.

With run-time dynamic loading: Some of the linking is postponed until actual reference during execution. Then the correct module is loaded and linked.

26. What are demand-paging and pre-paging?

With demand paging, a page is brought into memory only when a location on that page is actually referenced during execution. With pre-paging, pages other than the one demanded by a page fault are brought in. The selection of such pages is done based on common access patterns, especially for secondary memory devices.

27. Paging a memory management function, while multiprogramming a processor management function, are the two interdependent?


28. What is page cannibalizing?

Page swapping or page replacements are called page cannibalizing.

29. What has triggered the need for multitasking in PCs?

    Increased speed and memory capacity of microprocessors together with the support fir virtual memory and
    Growth of client server computing

30. What are the four layers that Windows NT have in order to achieve independence?

    Hardware abstraction layer
    System Services.


Saturday, August 20, 2011

Technical Interview

            >>>> Networking<<<<

1. Define Network?

A network is a set of devices connected by physical media links. A network is recursively is a connection of two or more nodes by a physical link or two or more networks connected by one or more nodes.

2. What is a Link?

At the lowest level, a network can consist of two or more computers directly connected by some physical medium such as coaxial cable or optical fiber. Such a physical medium is called as Link.

3. What is a node?

A network can consist of two or more computers directly connected by some physical medium such as coaxial cable or optical fiber. Such a physical medium is called as Links and the computer it connects is called as Nodes.

4. What is a gateway or Router?

A node that is connected to two or more networks is commonly called as router or Gateway. It generally forwards message from one network to another.

5. What is point-point link?

If the physical links are limited to a pair of nodes it is said to be point-point link.

6. What is Multiple Access?

If the physical links are shared by more than two nodes, it is said to be Multiple Access.

7. What are the advantages of Distributed Processing?

a. Security/Encapsulation

b. Distributed database

c. Faster Problem solving

d. Security through redundancy

e. Collaborative Processing

8. What are the criteria necessary for an effective and efficient network?

a. Performance

It can be measured in many ways, including transmit time and response time. b. Reliability

It is measured by frequency of failure, the time it takes a link to recover from a failure, and the network's robustness.

c. Security

Security issues includes protecting data from unauthorized access and virues.

9. Name the factors that affect the performance of the network?

a. Number of Users

b. Type of transmission medium

c. Hardware

d. Software

10. Name the factors that affect the reliability of the network?

a. Frequency of failure

b. Recovery time of a network after a failure

11. Name the factors that affect the security of the network?

a. Unauthorized Access

b. Viruses

12. What is Protocol?

A protocol is a set of rules that govern all aspects of information communication.

13. What are the key elements of protocols?

The key elements of protocols are

a. Syntax

It refers to the structure or format of the data, that is the order in which they are presented.

b. Semantics

It refers to the meaning of each section of bits.

c. Timing

Timing refers to two characteristics: When data should be sent and how fast they can be sent.

14. What are the key design issues of a computer Network?

a. Connectivity

b. Cost-effective Resource Sharing

c. Support for common Services

d. Performance

15. Define Bandwidth and Latency?

Network performance is measured in Bandwidth (throughput) and Latency (Delay). Bandwidth of a network is given by the number of bits that can be transmitted over the network in a certain period of time. Latency corresponds to how long it t5akes a message to travel from one end off a network to the other. It is strictly measured in terms of time.

16. Define Routing?

The process of determining systematically hoe to forward messages toward the destination nodes based on its address is called routing.

17. What is a peer-peer process?

The processes on each machine that communicate at a given layer are called peer-peer process.

18. When a switch is said to be congested?

It is possible that a switch receives packets faster than the shared link can accommodate and stores in its memory, for an extended period of time, then the switch will eventually run out of buffer space, and some packets will have to be dropped and in this state is said to congested state.

19. What is semantic gap?

Defining a useful channel involves both understanding the applications requirements and recognizing the limitations of the underlying technology. The gap between what applications expects and what the underlying technology can provide is called semantic gap.

20. What is Round Trip Time?

The duration of time it takes to send a message from one end of a network to the other and back, is called RTT.

21. Define the terms Unicasting, Multiccasting and Broadcasting?

If the message is sent from a source to a single destination node, it is called Unicasting.

If the message is sent to some subset of other nodes, it is called Multicasting.

If the message is sent to all the m nodes in the network it is called Broadcasting.

22. What is Multiplexing?

Multiplexing is the set of techniques that allows the simultaneous transmission of multiple signals across a single data link.

23. Name the categories of Multiplexing?

a. Frequency Division Multiplexing (FDM)

b. Time Division Multiplexing (TDM)

i. Synchronous TDM

ii. ASynchronous TDM Or Statistical TDM.

c. Wave Division Multiplexing (WDM)

24. What is FDM?

FDM is an analog technique that can be applied when the bandwidth of a link is greater than the combined bandwidths of the signals to be transmitted.

25. What is WDM?

WDM is conceptually the same as FDM, except that the multiplexing and demultiplexing involve light signals transmitted through fiber optics channel.

26. What is TDM?

TDM is a digital process that can be applied when the data rate capacity of the transmission medium is greater than the data rate required by the sending and receiving devices.

27. What is Synchronous TDM?

In STDM, the multiplexer allocates exactly the same time slot to each device at all times, whether or not a device has anything to transmit.

28. List the layers of OSI

a. Physical Layer

b. Data Link Layer

c. Network Layer

d. Transport Layer

e. Session Layer

f. Presentation Layer

g. Application Layer

29. Which layers are network support layers?

a. Physical Layer

b. Data link Layer and

c. Network Layers

30. Which layers are user support layers?

a. Session Layer

b. Presentation Layer and

c. Application Layer

31. Which layer links the network support layers and user support layers?

The Transport layer links the network support layers and user support layers.

32. What are the concerns of the Physical Layer?

Physical layer coordinates the functions required to transmit a bit stream over a physical medium.

a. Physical characteristics of interfaces and media

b. Representation of bits

c. Data rate

d. Synchronization of bits

e. Line configuration

f. Physical topology

g. Transmission mode

33. What are the responsibilities of Data Link Layer?

The Data Link Layer transforms the physical layer, a raw transmission facility, to a reliable link and is responsible for node-node delivery.

a. Framing

b. Physical Addressing

c. Flow Control

d. Error Control

e. Access Control

34. What are the responsibilities of Network Layer?

The Network Layer is responsible for the source-to-destination delivery of packet possibly across multiple networks (links).

a. Logical Addressing

b. Routing

35. What are the responsibilities of Transport Layer?

The Transport Layer is responsible for source-to-destination delivery of the entire message.

a. Service-point Addressing

b. Segmentation and reassembly

c. Connection Control

d. Flow Control

e. Error Control

36. What are the responsibilities of Session Layer?

The Session layer is the network dialog Controller. It establishes, maintains and synchronizes the interaction between the communicating systems.

a. Dialog control

b. Synchronization

37. What are the responsibilities of Presentation Layer?

The Presentation layer is concerned with the syntax and semantics of the information exchanged between two systems.

a. Translation

b. Encryption

c. Compression

38. What are the responsibilities of Application Layer?

The Application Layer enables the user, whether human or software, to access the network. It provides user interfaces and support for services such as e-mail, shared database management and other types of distributed information services.

a. Network virtual Terminal

b. File transfer, access and Management (FTAM)

c. Mail services

d. Directory Services

39. What are the two classes of hardware building blocks?

Nodes and Links.

40. What are the different link types used to build a computer network?

a. Cables

b. Leased Lines

c. Last-Mile Links

d. Wireless Links

41. What are the categories of Transmission media?

a. Guided Media

i. Twisted - Pair cable

1. Shielded TP

2. Unshielded TP

ii. Coaxial Cable

iii. Fiber-optic cable

b. Unguided Media

i. Terrestrial microwave

ii. Satellite Communication

42. What are the types of errors?

a. Single-Bit error

In a single-bit error, only one bit in the data unit has changed

b. Burst Error

A Burst error means that two or more bits in the data have changed.

43. What is Error Detection? What are its methods?

Data can be corrupted during transmission. For reliable communication errors must be deducted and Corrected. Error Detection uses the concept of redundancy, which means adding extra bits for detecting errors at the destination. The common Error Detection methods are

a. Vertical Redundancy Check (VRC)

b. Longitudinal Redundancy Check (VRC)

c. Cyclic Redundancy Check (VRC)

d. Checksum

44. What is Redundancy?

The concept of including extra information in the transmission solely for the purpose of comparison. This technique is called redundancy.

45. What is VRC?

It is the most common and least expensive mechanism for Error Detection. In VRC, a parity bit is added to every data unit so that the total number of 1s becomes even for even parity. It can detect all single-bit errors. It can detect burst errors only if the total number of errors in each data unit is odd.

46. What is LRC?

In LRC, a block of bits is divided into rows and a redundant row of bits is added to the whole block. It can detect burst errors. If two bits in one data unit are damaged and bits in exactly the same positions in another data unit are also damaged, the LRC checker will not detect an error. In LRC a redundant data unit follows n data units.

47. What is CRC?

CRC, is the most powerful of the redundancy checking techniques, is based on binary division.

48. What is Checksum?

Checksum is used by the higher layer protocols (TCP/IP) for error detection

49. List the steps involved in creating the checksum.

a. Divide the data into sections

b. Add the sections together using 1's complement arithmetic

c. Take the complement of the final sum, this is the checksum.

50. What are the Data link protocols?

Data link protocols are sets of specifications used to implement the data link layer. The categories of Data Link protocols are 1. Asynchronous Protocols

2. Synchronous Protocols

a. Character Oriented Protocols

b. Bit Oriented protocols

51. Compare Error Detection and Error Correction:

The correction of errors is more difficult than the detection. In error detection, checks only any error has occurred. In error correction, the exact number of bits that are corrupted and location in the message are known. The number of the errors and the size of the message are important factors.

52. What is Forward Error Correction?

Forward error correction is the process in which the receiver tries to guess the message by using redundant bits.

53. Define Retransmission?

Retransmission is a technique in which the receiver detects the occurrence of an error and asks the sender to resend the message. Resending is repeated until a message arrives that the receiver believes is error-freed.

54. What are Data Words?

In block coding, we divide our message into blocks, each of k bits, called datawords. The block coding process is one-to-one. The same dataword is always encoded as the same codeword.

55. What are Code Words?

"r" redundant bits are added to each block to make the length n = k + r. The resulting n-bit blocks are called codewords. 2n - 2k codewords that are not used. These codewords are invalid or illegal.

56. What is a Linear Block Code?

A linear block code is a code in which the exclusive OR (addition modulo-2) of two valid codewords creates another valid codeword.

57. What are Cyclic Codes?

Cyclic codes are special linear block codes with one extra property. In a cyclic code, if a codeword is cyclically shifted (rotated), the result is another codeword.

58. Define Encoder?

A device or program that uses predefined algorithms to encode, or compress audio or video data for storage or transmission use. A circuit that is used to convert between digital video and analog video.

59. Define Decoder?

A device or program that translates encoded data into its original format (e.g. it decodes the data). The term is often used in reference to MPEG-2 video and sound data, which must be decoded before it is output.

60. What is Framing?

Framing in the data link layer separates a message from one source to a destination, or from other messages to other destinations, by adding a sender address and a destination address. The destination address defines where the packet has to go and the sender address helps the recipient acknowledge the receipt.

61. What is Fixed Size Framing?

In fixed-size framing, there is no need for defining the boundaries of the frames. The size itself can be used as a delimiter.

62. Define Character Stuffing?

In byte stuffing (or character stuffing), a special byte is added to the data section of the frame when there is a character with the same pattern as the flag. The data section is stuffed with an extra byte. This byte is usually called the escape character (ESC), which has a predefined bit pattern. Whenever the receiver encounters the ESC character, it removes it from the data section and treats the next character as data, not a delimiting flag.

63. What is Bit Stuffing?

Bit stuffing is the process of adding one extra 0 whenever five consecutive Is follow a 0 in the data, so that the receiver does not mistake the pattern 0111110 for a flag.

64. What is Flow Control?

Flow control refers to a set of procedures used to restrict the amount of data that the sender can send before waiting for acknowledgment.

65. What is Error Control ?

Error control is both error detection and error correction. It allows the receiver to inform the sender of any frames lost or damaged in transmission and coordinates the retransmission of those frames by the sender. In the data link layer, the term error control refers primarily to methods of error detection and retransmission.

66. What Automatic Repeat Request (ARQ)?

Error control is both error detection and error correction. It allows the receiver to inform the sender of any frames lost or damaged in transmission and coordinates the retransmission of those frames by the sender. In the data link layer, the term error control refers primarily to methods of error detection and retransmission. Error control in the data link layer is often implemented simply: Any time an error is detected in an exchange, specified frames are retransmitted. This process is called automatic repeat request (ARQ).

67. What is Stop-and-Wait Protocol?

In Stop and wait protocol, sender sends one frame, waits until it receives confirmation from the receiver (okay to go ahead), and then sends the next frame.

68. What is Stop-and-Wait Automatic Repeat Request?

Error correction in Stop-and-Wait ARQ is done by keeping a copy of the sent frame and retransmitting of the frame when the timer expires.

69. What is usage of Sequence Number in Relaible Transmission?

The protocol specifies that frames need to be numbered. This is done by using sequence numbers. A field is added to the data frame to hold the sequence number of that frame. Since we want to minimize the frame size, the smallest range that provides unambiguous communication. The sequence numbers can wrap around.

70. What is Pipelining ?

In networking and in other areas, a task is often begun before the previous task has ended. This is known as pipelining.

71. What is Sliding Window?

The sliding window is an abstract concept that defines the range of sequence numbers that is the concern of the sender and receiver. In other words, he sender and receiver need to deal with only part of the possible sequence numbers.

72. What is Piggy Backing?

A technique called piggybacking is used to improve the efficiency of the bidirectional protocols. When a frame is carrying data from A to B, it can also carry control information about arrived (or lost) frames from B; when a frame is carrying data from B to A, it can also carry control information about the arrived (or lost) frames from A.

73. What are the two types of transmission technology available?

(i) Broadcast and (ii) point-to-point

74. What is subnet?

A generic term for section of a large networks usually separated by a bridge or router.

75. Difference between the communication and transmission.

Transmission is a physical movement of information and concern issues like bit polarity, synchronisation, clock etc.

Communication means the meaning full exchange of information between two communication media.

76. What are the possible ways of data exchange?

(i) Simplex (ii) Half-duplex (iii) Full-duplex.

77. What is SAP?

Series of interface points that allow other computers to communicate with the other layers of network protocol stack.

78. What do you meant by "triple X" in Networks?

The function of PAD (Packet Assembler Disassembler) is described in a document known as X.3. The standard protocol has been defined between the terminal and

the PAD, called X.28; another standard protocol exists between hte PAD and the network, called X.29. Together, these three recommendations are often called

"triple X".

79. What is frame relay, in which layer it comes?

Frame relay is a packet switching technology. It will operate in the data link layer.

80. What is terminal emulation, in which layer it comes?

Telnet is also called as terminal emulation. It belongs to application layer.

81. What is Beaconing?

The process that allows a network to self-repair networks problems. The stations on the network notify the other stations on the ring when they are not

receiving the transmissions. Beaconing is used in Token ring and FDDI networks.

82. What is redirector?

Redirector is software that intercepts file or prints I/O requests and translates them into network requests. This comes under presentation layer.

83. What is NETBIOS and NETBEUI?

NETBIOS is a programming interface that allows I/O requests to be sent to and received from a remote computer and it hides the networking hardware from


NETBEUI is NetBIOS extended user interface. A transport protocol designed by microsoft and IBM for the use on small subnets.

84. What is RAID?

A method for providing fault tolerance by using multiple hard disk drives.

85. What is passive topology?

When the computers on the network simply listen and receive the signal, they are referred to as passive because they don't amplify the signal in any way.
Example for passive topology -linear bus.

86. What is Brouter?

Hybrid devices that combine the features of both bridges and routers.

87. What is cladding?

A layer of a glass surrounding the center fiber of glass inside a fiber-optic cable.

88. What is point-to-point protocol?

A communications protocol used to connect computers to remote networking services including Internet service providers.

89. How Gateway is different from Routers?

A gateway operates at the upper levels of the OSI model and translates information between two completely different network architectures or data formats.

90. What is attenuation?

The degeneration of a signal over distance on a network cable is called attenuation.

91. What is MAC address?

The address for a device as it is identified at the Media Access Control (MAC) layer in the network architecture. MAC address is usually stored in ROM on the

network adapter card and is unique.

92. Difference between bit rate and baud rate.

Bit rate is the number of bits transmitted during one second whereas baud rate refers to the number of signal units per second that are required to represent

those bits.
  baud rate = (bit rate / N)
  where N is no-of-bits represented by each signal shift.

93. What is Bandwidth?

Every line has an upper limit and a lower limit on the frequency of signals it can carry. This limited range is called the bandwidth.

94. What are the types of Transmission media?

Signals are usually transmitted over some transmission media that are broadly classified in to two categories.
a.) Guided Media: These are those that provide a conduit from one device to another that include twisted-pair, coaxial cable and fiber-optic cable. A signal

traveling along any of these media is directed and is contained by the physical limits of the medium. Twisted-pair and coaxial cable use metallic that accept

and transport signals in the form of electrical current. Optical fiber is a glass or plastic cable that accepts and transports signals in the form of light.

b.) Unguided Media: This is the wireless media that transport electromagnetic waves without using a physical conductor. Signals are broadcast either through

air. This is done through radio communication, satellite communication and cellular telephony.

95. What is Project 802?

It is a project started by IEEE to set standards to enable intercommunication between equipment from a variety of manufacturers. It is a way for specifying

functions of the physical layer, the data link layer and to some extent the network layer to allow for interconnectivity of major LAN protocols.

It consists of the following:
802.1 is an internetworking standard for compatibility of different LANs and MANs across protocols.
802.2 Logical link control (LLC) is the upper sublayer of the data link layer which is non-architecture-specific, that is remains the same for all

IEEE-defined LANs.
Media access control (MAC) is the lower sublayer of the data link layer that contains some distinct modules each carrying proprietary information specific to

the LAN product being used. The modules are Ethernet LAN (802.3), Token ring LAN (802.4), Token bus LAN (802.5).
802.6 is distributed queue dual bus (DQDB) designed to be used in MANs.

96. What is Protocol Data Unit?

The data unit in the LLC level is called the protocol data unit (PDU). The PDU contains of four fields a destination service access point (DSAP), a source

service access point (SSAP), a control field and an information field. DSAP, SSAP are addresses used by the LLC to identify the protocol stacks on the

receiving and sending machines that are generating and using the data. The control field specifies whether the PDU frame is a information frame (I - frame)

or a supervisory frame (S - frame) or a unnumbered frame (U - frame).

97. What are the different type of networking / internetworking devices?

Repeater: Also called a regenerator, it is an electronic device that operates only at physical layer. It receives the signal in the network before it becomes

weak, regenerates the original bit pattern and puts the refreshed copy back in to the link.
Bridges: These operate both in the physical and data link layers of LANs of same type. They divide a larger network in to smaller segments. They contain

logic that allow them to keep the traffic for each segment separate and thus are repeaters that relay a frame only the side of the segment containing the

intended recipent and control congestion.
Routers: They relay packets among multiple interconnected networks (i.e. LANs of different type). They operate in the physical, data link and network layers.

They contain software that enable them to determine which of the several possible paths is the best for a particular transmission.
Gateways: They relay packets among networks that have different protocols (e.g. between a LAN and a WAN). They accept a packet formatted for one protocol and

convert it to a packet formatted for another protocol before forwarding it. They operate in all seven layers of the OSI model.

98. What is ICMP?

ICMP is Internet Control Message Protocol, a network layer protocol of the TCP/IP suite used by hosts and gateways to send notification of datagram problems

back to the sender. It uses the echo test / reply to test whether a destination is reachable and responding. It also handles both control and error messages.

99. What are the data units at different layers of the TCP / IP protocol suite?

The data unit created at the application layer is called a message, at the transport layer the data unit created is called either a segment or an user

datagram, at the network layer the data unit created is called the datagram, at the data link layer the datagram is encapsulated in to a frame and finally

transmitted as signals along the transmission media.

100. What is difference between ARP and RARP?

The address resolution protocol (ARP) is used to associate the 32 bit IP address with the 48 bit physical address, used by a host or a router to find the

physical address of another host on its network by sending a ARP query packet that includes the IP address of the receiver.

The reverse address resolution protocol (RARP) allows a host to discover its Internet address when it knows only its physical address.

101. What is the minimum and maximum length of the header in the TCP segment and IP datagram?

The header should have a minimum length of 20 bytes and can have a maximum length of 60 bytes.

102. What is the range of addresses in the classes of internet addresses?

Class A   -   -
Class B   -   -
Class C   -   -
Class D   -   -
Class E   -   -

103. What is the difference between TFTP and FTP application layer protocols?

The Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) allows a local host to obtain files from a remote host but does not provide reliability or security. It uses the

fundamental packet delivery services offered by UDP.

The File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is the standard mechanism provided by TCP / IP for copying a file from one host to another. It uses the services offer by

TCP and so is reliable and secure. It establishes two connections (virtual circuits) between the hosts, one for data transfer and another for control


104. What are major types of networks and explain?

Server-based network: provide centralized control of network resources and rely on server computers to provide security and network administration
Peer-to-peer network: computers can act as both servers sharing resources and as clients using the resources.

105. What are the important topologies for networks?

BUS topology: In this each computer is directly connected to primary network cable in a single line.
Advantages: Inexpensive, easy to install, simple to understand, easy to extend.
STAR topology: In this all computers are connected using a central hub.
Advantages: Can be inexpensive, easy to install and reconfigure and easy to trouble shoot physical problems.
RING topology: In this all computers are connected in loop. Advantages: All computers have equal access to network media, installation can be simple, and

signal does not degrade as much as in other topologies because each computer regenerates it.

106. What is mesh network?

A network in which there are multiple network links between computers to provide multiple paths for data to travel.

107. What is difference between baseband and broadband transmission?

In a baseband transmission, the entire bandwidth of the cable is consumed by a single signal. In broadband transmission, signals are sent on multiple

frequencies, allowing multiple signals to be sent simultaneously.

108. Explain 5-4-3 rule?

In a Ethernet network, between any two points on the network ,there can be no more than five network segments or four repeaters, and of those five segments

only three of segments can be populated.

109. What MAU?

In token Ring , hub is called Multistation Access Unit(MAU).

110. What is the difference between routable and non- routable protocols?

Routable protocols can work with a router and can be used to build large networks. Non-Routable protocols are designed to work on small, local networks and

cannot be used with a router.

111. Why should you care about the OSI Reference Model?

It provides a framework for discussing network operations and design.

112. What is logical link control?

One of two sublayers of the data link layer of OSI reference model, as defined by the IEEE 802 standard. This sublayer is responsible for maintaining the

link between computers when they are sending data across the physical network connection.

113. What is virtual channel?

Virtual channel is normally a connection from one source to one destination, although multicast connections are also permitted. The other name for virtual

channel is virtual circuit.

114. What is virtual path?

Along any transmission path from a given source to a given destination, a group of virtual circuits can be grouped together into what is called path.

115. What is packet filter?

Packet filter is a standard router equipped with some extra functionality. The extra functionality allows every incoming or outgoing packet to be inspected.

Packets meeting some criterion are forwarded normally. Those that fail the test are dropped.

116. What is traffic shaping?

One of the main causes of congestion is that traffic is often busy. If hosts could be made to transmit at a uniform rate, congestion would be less common.

Another open loop method to help manage congestion is forcing the packet to be transmitted at a more predictable rate. This is called traffic shaping.

117. What is multicast routing?

Sending a message to a group is called multicasting, and its routing algorithm is called multicast routing.

118. What is region?

When hierarchical routing is used, the routers are divided into what we will call regions, with each router knowing all the details about how to route

packets to destinations within its own region, but knowing nothing about the internal structure of other regions.

119. What is silly window syndrome?

It is a problem that can ruin TCP performance. This problem occurs when data are passed to the sending TCP entity in large blocks, but an interactive

application on the receiving side reads 1 byte at a time.

120. What are Digrams and Trigrams?

The most common two letter combinations are called as digrams. e.g. th, in, er, re and an. The most common three letter combinations are called as trigrams.
e.g. the, ing, and, and ion.

121. Expand IDEA.

IDEA stands for International Data Encryption Algorithm.

122. What is wide-mouth frog?

Wide-mouth frog is the simplest known key distribution center (KDC) authentication protocol.

123. What is Mail Gateway?

It is a system that performs a protocol translation between different electronic mail delivery protocols.

124. What is IGP (Interior Gateway Protocol)?

It is any routing protocol used within an autonomous system.

125. What is EGP (Exterior Gateway Protocol)?

It is the protocol the routers in neighboring autonomous systems use to identify the set of networks that can be reached within or via each autonomous


126. What is autonomous system?

It is a collection of routers under the control of a single administrative authority and that uses a common Interior Gateway Protocol.

127. What is BGP (Border Gateway Protocol)?

It is a protocol used to advertise the set of networks that can be reached with in an autonomous system. BGP enables this information to be shared with the

autonomous system. This is newer than EGP (Exterior Gateway Protocol).

128. What is Gateway-to-Gateway protocol?

It is a protocol formerly used to exchange routing information between Internet core routers.

129. What is NVT (Network Virtual Terminal)?

It is a set of rules defining a very simple virtual terminal interaction. The NVT is used in the start of a Telnet session.

130. What is a Multi-homed Host?

It is a host that has a multiple network interfaces and that requires multiple IP addresses is called as a Multi-homed Host.

131. What is Kerberos?

It is an authentication service developed at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Kerberos uses encryption to prevent intruders from discovering

passwords and gaining unauthorized access to files.

132. What is OSPF?

It is an Internet routing protocol that scales well, can route traffic along multiple paths, and uses knowledge of an Internet's topology to make accurate

routing decisions.

133. What is Proxy ARP?

It is using a router to answer ARP requests. This will be done when the originating host believes that a destination is local, when in fact is lies beyond


134. What is SLIP (Serial Line Interface Protocol)?

It is a very simple protocol used for transmission of IP datagrams across a serial line.

135. What is RIP (Routing Information Protocol)?

It is a simple protocol used to exchange information between the routers.

136. What is source route?

It is a sequence of IP addresses identifying the route a datagram must follow. A source route may optionally be included in an IP datagram header.

Technical Interview

                                          >>>>Data Structures<<<<

1. What is data structure?

A data structure is a way of organizing data that considers not only the items stored, but also their relationship to each other. Advance knowledge about the relationship between data items allows designing of efficient algorithms for the manipulation of data.

2. List out the areas in which data structures are applied extensively?

Compiler Design,

Operating System,

Database Management System,

Statistical analysis package,

Numerical Analysis,


Artificial Intelligence,


3. What are the major data structures used in the following areas : RDBMS, Network data model and Hierarchical data model.

RDBMS = Array (i.e. Array of structures)

Network data model = Graph

Hierarchical data model = Trees

4. If you are using C language to implement the heterogeneous linked list, what pointer type will you use?

The heterogeneous linked list contains different data types in its nodes and we need a link, pointer to connect them. It is not possible to use ordinary pointers for this. So we go for void pointer. Void pointer is capable of storing pointer to any type as it is a generic pointer type.

5. Minimum number of queues needed to implement the priority queue?

Two. One queue is used for actual storing of data and another for storing priorities.

6. What is the data structures used to perform recursion?

Stack. Because of its LIFO (Last In First Out) property it remembers its 'caller' so knows whom to return when the function has to return. Recursion makes use of system stack for storing the return addresses of the function calls.

Every recursive function has its equivalent iterative (non-recursive) function. Even when such equivalent iterative procedures are written, explicit stack is to be used.

7. What are the notations used in Evaluation of Arithmetic Expressions using prefix and postfix forms?

Polish and Reverse Polish notations.

8. Convert the expression ((A + B) * C - (D - E) ^ (F + G)) to equivalent Prefix and Postfix notations.

Prefix Notation: - * +ABC ^ - DE + FG

Postfix Notation: AB + C * DE - FG + ^ -

9. Sorting is not possible by using which of the following methods? (Insertion, Selection, Exchange, Deletion)

Sorting is not possible in Deletion. Using insertion we can perform insertion sort, using selection we can perform selection sort, using exchange we can perform the bubble sort (and other similar sorting methods). But no sorting method can be done just using deletion.

10. What are the methods available in storing sequential files ?

Straight merging,

Natural merging,

Polyphase sort,

Distribution of Initial runs.

11. List out few of the Application of tree data-structure?

The manipulation of Arithmetic expression,

Symbol Table construction,

Syntax analysis.

12. List out few of the applications that make use of Multilinked Structures?

Sparse matrix,

Index generation.

13. In tree construction which is the suitable efficient data structure? (Array, Linked list, Stack, Queue)

Linked list is the suitable efficient data structure.

14. What is the type of the algorithm used in solving the 8 Queens problem?


15. In an AVL tree, at what condition the balancing is to be done?

If the 'pivotal value' (or the 'Height factor') is greater than 1 or less than -1.

16. What is the bucket size, when the overlapping and collision occur at same time?

One. If there is only one entry possible in the bucket, when the collision occurs, there is no way to accommodate the colliding value. This results in the overlapping of values.

17. Classify the Hashing Functions based on the various methods by which the key value is found.

Direct method,

Subtraction method,

Modulo-Division method,

Digit-Extraction method,

Mid-Square method,

Folding method,

Pseudo-random method.

18. What are the types of Collision Resolution Techniques and the methods used in each of the type?

Open addressing (closed hashing), The methods used include: Overflow block.

Closed addressing (open hashing), The methods used include: Linked list, Binary tree.

19. In RDBMS, what is the efficient data structure used in the internal storage representation?

B+ tree. Because in B+ tree, all the data is stored only in leaf nodes, that makes searching easier. This corresponds to the records that shall be stored in leaf nodes.

20. What is a spanning Tree?

A spanning tree is a tree associated with a network. All the nodes of the graph appear on the tree once. A minimum spanning tree is a spanning tree organized so that the total edge weight between nodes is minimized.

21. Does the minimum spanning tree of a graph give the shortest distance between any 2 specified nodes?

No. The Minimal spanning tree assures that the total weight of the tree is kept at its minimum. But it doesn't mean that the distance between any two nodes involved in the minimum-spanning tree is minimum.

22. Which is the simplest file structure? (Sequential, Indexed, Random)

Sequential is the simplest file structure.

23. Whether Linked List is linear or Non-linear data structure?

According to Access strategies Linked list is a linear one.

According to Storage Linked List is a Non-linear one.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011


Tata Consultance Services Interview Paper - Chennai, 27/01/2011

Rated : +100 , -7

Anna university conducted a state level placement 2011 for all the affiliated colleges under anna university.

The eligibility criteria was minimum 60% in 10th and 12th.

Engineering-72% and above with no standing arrears(backlogs).


The apptitude questions always are repeated from the previous placement papers.. TCS uses touch stone software created by the IIT students. 35 questions and timelimit for the apptitude test is 80 minutes.

the questions can also be repeated,like i got one question four times but the values were changed and the concept was also changed a bit. so when the same question repeats never put the same answer,bocz the values might be changed.

TCS paper consits only of doesn't cover the verbal ability and verbal reasoning. so quants and logical reasoning is enough for ur preparation.

The questions have unecessary matters try to avoid the unecessary stuff.

1. There are 6 beer bottle nd one is poisoned. we have mice who will die within 14 hrs after drinkin poisned beer. In 24 hrs we have to find poisoned beer bottle. How many no of mice we require to find out poisoned bottle.


a) 6

b) 4

c) 3

d) 1

ans: 3 mices should be given 2 bottles each so one mice would die drinking the poisened bottle.. we need minimum no. of mices so v need to divide the six atleast as possible.

This question was repeated four times but the values and concept was changed..

2. The IT giant Tirnop has recently crossed a head count of 150000 and earnings of $7 billion. As one of the forerunners in the technology front, Tirnop continues to lead the way in products and services in India. At Tirnop, all programmers are equal in every respect. They receive identical salaries ans also write code at the same rate.Suppose 12 such programmers take 12 minutes to write 12 lines of code in total. How long will it take 72 programmers to write 72 lines of code in total?

ans:12 min

Those who clear the apptitude test are almost selected bcoz the HR round is just causual..

P.S : U don't have negative markings so do not answer the questions in fluke answer them if u knw it correctly, bocz you wil be disqualified if u have negatives....

The cutoff would be generally 21-25....since i participated in an off-campus the cutoff was high...i did atleast 30 correctly i answered two questions in fluke.. i expect the cutoff was 30....


about 7000 members attended the test and only 150 got through to the second round and luckily i was one of them. the next day i had my techincal and hr round...

about 10 HR's were interviewing students simultaneously at a time.. when my chance came through i went inside a room where HR's were sitting with numbers in their chairs... the one who opened the door asked me to go to the number 7... i had 2 HR's interviewing was a mam and other was a sir...

my interview started in a nice mood like asking my name and they introduced themselves they were very friendly...


i told about my family,my education,my grades i got in the secondary level they were quite impresed by that...


i told about my project


i told them, please do refer the company's profile when ur attending an interview its most important....

then they were like asking me are u interested in working with TCS, are u ready for night shifts, are u ready to sign the bond and they explained me my job profile.. and i said YES for everything....

Finally they said to me that after this you will have to come and submit ur certificates for the verfication,... they talked to me in an indirect way that i was selected..... i was really happy after that....

After two days the results were published in the net i was happy bocz i cleared it....

from 150 only 85 were selected and i am one of them....

always remeber one thing never get depressed in life.. try to give ur best and u would succeed one day for sure.... before this i was depressed worked very hard and finally i was happy... "ALL THE BEST" for ur future... have a great day... :)

Wipro Infotech Ltd - Techno India - Interview Pattern

Wipro Infotech Ltd - Techno India - Interview Pattern

We had a pooled campus drive of WIPRO INFOTECH LTD.About 350-400 students appeared for this campusing. The selection procedure was:

i. Online test

ii. Group Discussion

iii. Essay Writing

iv. Technical interview

v. H.R. round

i. online test was of 3 sections. quantitative, reasoning, customer related section.

50 question in 60 minutes. It was very easy. time was enough. more than 200 students cleared the round.

ii. Group discussion was elimination round. Most of the students were eliminated there.Each group consisted of 10 members. Nearly 50% students were eliminated.Topics were standard.

iii. After selection in GD we were given a topic to write an essay within 100 words. The topic was: "Is India capable of managing disasters?". It was not an elimination round. If you get selected in technical, they will go through it in the H.R. round.

iv. Technical round: There was a madam taking interview. She asked about structures, linked list, array etc(As i told C was my favorite subject).

She asked to write 2 SQL queries. Then she asked two puzzled(These puzzles are common for them who prepare for CAT).

Then I was asked some questions like family background, able to relocate or not, some managerial questions like: if you and your friend is working for a same project, and your

career will depend on your performance. if your friend does any unethical job for which your performance will get affected, then what will you do.

v. At last was the H.R. It was also an elimination round. Nearly 20% got eliminated. General questions were asked.

At last 49 were selected. From there, after verification 44 were confirmed after a week.

Best of luck....


Wipro Infotech Fresher Job Interview Paper - Pattern 2011

Rated : +126 , -5

Type : Fresher

Job Interview, Question Paper

There are Total No. of Rounds 3:

1. Aptitude Test

2. Technical Test

3. HR Interview

Aptitude Rounds: Portion covered: distance and time, problems on train, ages, time and speed, percentage, area, flow charts, profit and loss, height and distance and some basics Maths and more. for english part study Barron_s_GRE.12th.ed, for aptitude R.S Aggarwal. study aptitude clearly you will clear 1st round..

Second Round is Technical:

Tell me about yourself.

Ans: simple questions to answer but everyone will make mistake by starting with their past school studies bla bla. Pleas note This is the single most important strategy in job hunting, start with present things eg: tell them something about you which you feel your are good at that.. I'm quick learner, I grasp point quickly, your resent achievement, why you took your course... listen to him/her carefully don't tell them to repeat. study some basic C for non tech branches and please don't mention C as known language in your resume.. and study your project work well almost all Q's are based on your project work to see how really learner you are.. and prepare your resume with simple words..

Third Round HR :

1) about yourself?

2) What are your greatest strengths or weaknesses?

Ans: Beware - this is an eliminator question, designed to shorten the candidate list, if you admit your weakness thinking of being honest will get you an "A" for honesty, but an "F" for the interview.. the best way is to Disguise your strength as a weakness.. eg: I wont give up easily till i reached my goal and sometimes I push my people too hard to work with a sense of urgency and everyone is not always on the same wavelength (don't use these kind of words (wavelength..) but say alternately) never confess a regret..

3.Why this company?

Ans: before going learn much about that company and attend PPT( Pre Placement Talk) its very useful.. praise their company eg: its very employers friendly company etc etc.. in Wipro there is provision of 2yrs leave for higher education so tell them what you know very well about company..

4. Where do you see yourself five years from now?

Ans: no abroad strategy. eg: want to see myself in HR post employing people or want to c myself in PPT.

5. Any Question's

Ans: You may ask about your jobs freedom and responsibility. Since you are a fresher you may ask about sports club inside the company and cultural events..etc. Don't sit idle ask something about company which you want to know.. eg: is there provision of becoming project leader in 2 r 3yrs provided if i do well.. or ask integral part of company how it will works as employers friendly environment. the key to success is be confident and bold don't get nervous once you enter inside.. prepare well have good strategy and speek fluently without fear you will definitely go through this company.

I hope the like will help you.

All The Best!!!